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3 week old cag weight


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When giggetto born my vet say he was a little smaller than the other cag he see in his breeder's life. Now after 3 weeks i feed him im curious to know if he is at the right weight or he his still smaller than the others cag. So the question is there is anyone who know what is the right weight for 3 old week cag? Thank you!

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So, is this three week old grey fully in your care now? Do you have hand feeding experience? I don't want to assume anything, but I have the impression that the breeder sent a 3 week old grey home with you without proper instructions. If that is that case, please get support. Please let us know about your experience with parrots and especially very young baby birds. It is not the norm by any means that a breeder/vet would send a baby home with a new owner at such a young age. Please forgive me if I have misunderstood, but I am concerned and want you to have as much support as possible if you are in that position. Where are you from? Is the vet you referred to an avian vet or just a regular vet?

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Hi jeff, dont worry i can understand why u r worried. You can read my story in the "hi" section. I had this bird since he is 3 day old cos young parents dont look after the eggs. My vet who is an avian vet and the breeder of this cag think the eggs was empty , but he put the egg in the broober as he usual do with abandoned eggs, one of three give a bird but who look after the baby? I was a vet nurse in past and i handfeedeng bird since i was 15 year old. I had other parrots in my life, so i know how to love him. But yes... is a shit situation cos he is very young but i have no choise, i was the only mum available... and my vet give me the cag as a gift. I cant say no or the baby will die without the right attention, my vet is too busy and he let the parent grow up the babys. Im trying to do the best for him (she) i give to him my fully caring and attention. Im from rome italy (sorry for my english). :)

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Wow, I have no clue what a 3 week old CAG would weigh on average. They are not normally taken from the parents that young. Perhaps Dave our resident Grey Breeder could shed some light on this.

Edited by danmcq
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A 3 wk old grey chick should weigh 105 to 110 gms depending on the size of the parentsChicks from small bone structured parents will weigh less than medium or large boned parents.Since you weren't told what catagory the parents fit into -----You need a digital scale to constantly keep an eye on the weight. Make sure that you put in a huge effort to get one~~~~~~~~


A 3 week old chick can die quickly

Edited by Dave007
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Thank you is very nice to read things like that. Im not worried at all. I like to kill baby parrots who im trying to save. I should let him die 3 weeks ago without a chance. Since i had him im very worried and always under pressure. Thanks for the nice advice. You make my day and night.

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Please don't take offense where (I'm sure) none was meant. You've taken on a big job, and even in the most experiences hands things can go wrong. I know nothing about taking care of a chick this young. I would definately get a good digital scale. My common sense tells me that the main thing to be concerned about would be that baby is consistantly gaining weight. Thank you for giving this little soul a chance at a greyt life.

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