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Let me first say that I could care less if Phoenix ever talks. I am just curious to hear when others started to talk and if there are any that have never talked. He is a TAG, 15 months old and hasn't said a word. He has learned many sounds, whistles, etc. When we talk to him you can see his mouth move and he pays VERY close attention to what you are saying to him. My friend said he's saving everything and one day he won't stop talking. lol My Sun Conure has said Good Boy and I Love You.

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I don't have any experience with young greys. However, from what I've seen on the forum, sometimes at a few months, sometimes not until 18-24 months, and sometimes even later than that! I believe they can speak (when developed enough) anytime they choose to do so. Some just don't!

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According to HRH Inara's first people, she began saying a few words at about 8-ish months old. When she came to us at about 26 months, she knew a few words. Now she's a complete chatterbox. My first CAG Lestat, purportedly did not talk ever, just screamed and screeched. When he came to live with me post 10 years old, after a couple of months he started talking. It was as if he had stored up a lifetime of listening. I agree, they will talk if and when they wish to. With Inara, anytime she made even the slightest vocalizations, I'd give her a little treat to let her know that vocalizing around us was a good thing. This seemed to help her get over her shyness about talking directly to us.

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My Phenix had no history from before I got him. So I have no idea how old he was when he came home. But he was very definitely a mature adult. He was also wild caught & pretty messed up. I didn't even realize him talking was a possibility & I really didn't care.


It took him a couple of years, but one day he just out & called the dog. He loved that dog! lol Then, somewhere down the line, I called Phenix & he said, "What!!" I of course reacted (stunned!) & he of course made sure to say it lots more from then on.


After that he started making word-noises & w/in maybe 6 month'ish, he was talking like he'd spoken human all his life. But I'm pretty sure he hadn't because he originally used my voice & never said anything that didn't apply to his current flock & surroundings.


So never say never w/these guys.

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Escher, also a TAG, was 10 months old when we brought him home and he said step up that day. For the first couple of months he would pick up new words and even a couple of sentences then he stopped talking. He didn't talk for several months then all of a sudden he started again. He said one sentence and a couple of new words along with some old ones. This went on for about a month then he stopped again. A couple of months went by he started talking again. He would repeat new words and old words several times a day for a couple of weeks then stopped again. He just started talking again. Right now his words are "No" and "Bowz" or "Bowsey", the dogs nicknames. I expect this to go on for a couple of weeks then I expect he'll stop talking again. We get excited and make a big deal every time he talk but that doesn't seem to keep him talking. He does vocalize in other ways by burping, clicking, whistling, making the smoke alarm sound, and a new sound my husband taught him which sounds like Donald Duck when he was mad, he also laughs.

Talking is not that big a deal to us. We figure if he wants to talk he will and every once in a while he does. He was a closet talker for a while but stopped that also. So as you can see just because he starts talking doesn't mean he will keep talking. I would love it if Escher was a chatterbox but adore him no matter what. Hopefully your Phoenix doesn't tease you like Escher does us.

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My CAG started saying her first words at about 10 months, but her language didn't really start to take off until about 14 months. As others have said, they all have the capability, but one can't predict what will happen. This is still early days, but I would recommend using a lot of language wherever possible with your grey. Make it fun and meaningful, and narrate your life in front of your bird. Talk about whatever you are doing and whatever your bird is doing. It seems odd, like talking to yourself at times, but I think that strategy works. If your TAG knows language gets results and affects its life, it is more likely that it will speak. Gracie my CAG learned that her words got reactions out of me and helped me meet her needs and respond to her, so she has been encouraged to use it. Whatever happens, you will have a great relationship with your grey regardless of human language. But just beware. Sometimes they say things you don't want to hear. Tonight when I put Gracie to bed, she spoke from behind her cover and said, "Gracie BITE Daddy! Ouchie! Gracie is a stinker!"

Edited by JeffNOK
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Kind of in the middle here. Greycie Mae started using a few words, not real clear but we could tell what she is saying. Estimating 7-12 words/phrases. Then she quit learning anything new. Quit saying some stuff she was saying and now only uses a few of her words. I'm on the other side of the fence in that I DID want a talker. We get a hell of a lot of enjoyment listening to her say stuff and will engage her talking almost immediately. Our Caique - same story - learned a few phrases and used them up and now almost nothing. Now our big talker is the baby Jardines. He's really vocalizing and if he keeps going, he will out talk the Grey and the Caique (not known to be good talkers). Not only that he appears to be quietly smarter than both. Also we're dealing with new issues with Greycie. She's pulling away and becoming a touch-me-not all of a sudden. They're growing up!

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