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Let's Make Soup


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Today's Special


Chunky walnut pieces with smooth kiwi flesh and ribbons of kiwi skin garnished with poop.


Yesterday's Special was for those with simple tastes.


Soaked biscuit with floating feathers and seed husks.



Does your grey make soup in their water bowl? List their creations below...

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With great consistency and grossness! Dorian is a pioneer in the field of half walnut shell boats, and every yellow pellet from his seed mix ends up in the water not in his crop. Add in other shells and dehydrated fruit and it makes for a mess at least a couple of times a day.

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HRH Inara likes to dip anything dry and/or hard into her water dish for her own brand of soup. Fiesta nutriberries with hot peppers are one of her favorite ingredients. She does not do it with her tropical fruit ones -- they are soft and moist. She likes to soften things up. I usually pre-crack her almond in the shell for her, and when one slipped by quality control, I noticed it later soaking away in her water dish softening. up. Natch, water get changed around here several times a day.

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Gee, there is the occassional poop soup at my house, but never food dippers....of course, it could be because the water bowl is on the opposite side of the food and snack bowls?



If only!! Food & water dishes are all on opposite sides of the cages, here. But they still make plenty of truly nasty concoctions. The only thing I feel like I've managed to deter w/the strategic placement of dishes is some of the poop. They can't reach from the perches & have to actually sit on the cup to crap in it.


My TAG is actually not too big on making Nasty Soup. My Quaker is a dunker, but usually just a quickie. She doesn't usually make too much of a mess, surprisingly. My Eclectus makes up for everyone. I have to make sure she gets fresh water before & after every feeding. Not only does she love to soak pretty much everything, but she also likes to regurgitate her food into her water dish fish the bits back out. That's also when she usually thinks its best to take her bath. Gross!!

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It's great reading all about your soup and non soup making fids. It's also great to know that Izzy isn't the only one. I have to change her water several times a day, but as soon as I put fresh water in she bathes in it. Odd bird.


My predictions for Tomorrow's Special: Pea, Carrot and Swede.

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Timber's water is on the opposite side of the cage, so it is definitely deliberate. I'll watch him carry that toast all the way across the cage on a perch just to dunk it. I let him "finish" before I change the water. Like Inara, he tends to do it with anything dry or hard. Never his nutriberries or seed though. What amusing and diverse creatures they are! It is part of their charm I believe.

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