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Best option for adding a second


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I really want a companion for my 16 year old CAG, Roscoe. I've had him since he was about 5 weeks old and my kids are grown now and I've gone back to work. I don't have any other birds. He just got a new 72 inch tall cage which he loves, and new toys which he's exploring. He stays in the great room in front of the bay window near our kitchen table.


I've never been able to train him to stay on his cage or a play gym and he will get into things if you don't watch him. He's a rather mischievous bird who bites everyone but me so gets to spend more time in his cage than I'd like. Plus we currently have a dog I don't trust around him so its a situation I constantly have to monitor. And he never developed an aversion to pooping on me.


I'd really like to get an older rescue. I don't care if its friendly or not but would they be able to get along? I don't actually know if Roscoe is a he and actually think he is a she. Would it matter? He was around other birds when he was younger but not in a long time. I really think he'd be fine. He adjusts really well to change. My goal would be them sharing a cage. How do you get that to happen?


Suggestions? Thoughts?

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Hello Millenia and welcome to the Forum :)


Getting another Grey would be strictly for you. If they did decide to tolerate each other, it would be good. However, many times that does not become a reality. Putting them both in the same cage could result in the death of one of them. I'm sure you already know most Greys are cage aggressive as they consider it "Their Home and place of safety" and do not like another bird or person in it.

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From every thing I've read here on the forum, there are no guarantees as to whether they would "get along" or not. Also, it isn't recommended that you keep them in the same cage. They each need their own space. That said, good luck and God bless with your decision! :)

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I have 3 parrots, and they very much enjoy having a small flock to be with when they are in their cages and I am at work. I see it gives them comfort, as if one is in their cage they get upset if a bird or two is missing. That being said, they were ot brought up as babies together, and although they enjoy not being alone when I'm gone, they in no way are buddies. My amazon and tag do play chase thru the house, seeing who can fly faster etc. but none of my parrots really enjoy each other as far as playing and preening. They have learned TO tolerate each other and to co exist together. They do have a pecking order and they know it.


Although they climb in each others cages to sneak things when the cages are left open and empty, I would NEVER EVER even under my supervision allow them in a cage together. They would for sure kill each other. A cage is their domain and they are the kings and queens of their cages. It is the only "safe" place that is completely theirs. Unless you have2 greys related and raised as babies together, you can not put or ever expect them to share a cage if you can't afford or find space for a new cage for a new bird, then don't get one. It is very important they have and continue to keep their own space. Many parrots are extremely protective per their cages and some don't allow your hand in the cage , but love you to pieces when they are out. My amazon will bite you and bite you hard if you put your hand or finger anywhere near her cage when she's in it, even me who she is very lovingly bonded too.


On occasion, i have had 2 bicker over a favorite place, bigger parrot trying to chase the smaller one off, they have started fighting a few times, and yelling doesn't stop it. The only way to get them apart is to spray them with a spray bottle....which I always have on hand just in case..



I am VERY happy I don't have one parrot, I see it would be too lonely in my situation.

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IMO if you add another grey than add another cage. They may enjoy each other from a far in the same room each in their own cage.

They will enjoy communicating back and forth from their own safe place.

Every one is safe that way.

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*****I really think he'd be fine. He adjusts really well to change. ******


Mabe change concerning other things but has he ever had this type of change?? Sharing a cage is only asking for serious trouble. You really have little control with your present bird so adding another isn't gonna solve any problems with your present bird plus there's a good chance that your 1st bird will grow distant from you plus jealousy might occur plus fighting may occur when a new bird is added and you'll never be able to put them together. So you may have 2 birds to hastle with plus you have a dog who you don't trust.


Suggestions?? well just think about the situation. You've been given good advice especially concerning how birds get along, how not to house them, jealousy and constant monitoring. This extremely important too----you'll never know the personality of an older bird concerning all things and you should understand that an older adult bird, male or female will never change that personality no matter what you do. .

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Great advice from others at the Grey Forums. I always love it when people say, "I want to get another parrot for the grey/parrot I have now". I have three parrots and I will honestly admit, I have them for me. Because I enjoy their company. My tag is my first parrot and she use to talk, now she only says, "I want a nut". She does not enjoy my other parrots she would be happier alone. My cag, is my talker and a big bully, he is much larger than my tag and my zon. He just pushes the other two off of where he wants to be. My zon, is a rehome he tries very hard to understand what I want and do it. I cannot touch him or he will bite BUT he goes in and out of his cage as I ask.


I do let them out of their cages together but I watch them as they do squabble. A nip or bite here and there. I live alone and am retired so I have oodles of time for my parrots. It is important that the human has time for their parrot/parrots. My parrots steal from each other cages BUT NEVER when the cage owner is inside of a cage. I would never put them inside a cage together because if they didn't kill each other I would have a very large vet bill ( have you ever take your grey to the vet, very expensive trip) and permanent damage to their bodies.


Roscoe sounds like a very happy and healthy parrot. Turn the radio on for him if you think he needs companionship while you are at work. Give him a big bell to play with, I believe he will enjoy that more than a "friend". He has been on the schedule he is on for 16 years. Why change it now, he seems very content with it.


Whatever you decide, do it for yourself not your grey, because you will then have to find time for two parrots not just one.

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I also have three. Because we wanted them, not for them - OK I am sorry, the last TIEL is here because my daughter decide after his companion died he would be happier here. I started out with a TIEL. When she was about 14, I was given a Sun Conure. The two of them got along as best buds. The TIEL was a no cage bird so had no territory to defend. The Sun being new to the house looked at the TIEL as a big brother (I think). The TIEL died. About a year later we bought an four month old TAG. I introduced them in a spot not belonging to either. They got along very well. The TAG even taught my Sun how to play with toys ( until then I had been his toy). As the TAG got older their friendship did lessen. They are out together all the time. Sometimes they play, but mostly the tolerate each other. One sits on my head the other on my shoulder - live is good. I would never shut them into the same cage!! So, to say it again. If you get another bird do it for you not Roscoe!!

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Don't even think of it! They cannot share a cage. Someone will get hurt! While I have " open cage concept", birds tend to live together, they all were young...less than two. My sunconure, fell in love with a baby Amazon. Kiki the amazon. didn't know better than to tangle with the rescue sunconure. I can't imagine birds over two, sharing a cage. Nancy

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I have to agree with the others about getting another grey, you definitely have to have a separate cage for each bird even if they do happen to get along, most birds and especially greys like to have a home, meaning their cage, to call theirs, its where they feel safe and some can be downright possessive of it so of if you want to add another grey add another cage.

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Thanks for the advice. I guess if you want two to share a cage you get two together. Its something I've been considering for years but wasn't confident in the outcome. You all have confirmed what I already thought. It would defeat the purpose if they hate each other.

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