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Slow motion, but there's motion!!!


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So, a couple of exciting moments here yesterday. First, I had Dorian on his play stand in the living room with his travel/outside cage a couple of feet away from it, with plans to take him outside for a while. I went outside to get ready for him, got my weeding supplies, extra water, spray bottle in case he opted for a bath (he loves his outside bathing lol). When I came back into the house, here he was sitting on the top of his travel cage. He can't climb down from his play stand, so he must have flown! Then, later in the day we were in his room and something startled him off his cage and he flew into the closed door, 'landing' on floor. I decided not to run and rescue him,, since he knows how to climb up onto his cage from the floor. But instead of walking over to his cage, he flew from the floor up to his cage. This is the first time ever Dorian has flown from the floor, ever!!! It's taking years, but I think my boy really is realizing what his wings are for. Now we have to work on Mama's habit of rescuing him every time he's in trouble and to give him a chance to figure things out for himself.

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It`s called the HAY TAXI SYNDROME as they learn very quickly how to make you come and get them when they don`t want to fly.

My Amazon was that way. She would be walking on the floor and when she wanted up she would walk over to me and look at me with those big eyes and I would give her a lift to where she wanted to go.

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He's being as typically slow as he usually is. Dorian's top speed is glacial, even for a grey, but I really do think he's starting to work things out. I know it'll be a case of 'be careful what you wish for' if he does and "whatchadoin?" can follow me around the house at will.lol

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Yay Dorian!! That's really exciting!


Phenix didn't bother to fly around very much after he got his wings back. Dorian might not either. What it did do for Phenix was gave him confidence. I think he became less fear-based after. I also felt like he made more general progress faster from then on. "Faster" by his standards, anyway. ") Hoping this will be good for Dorian's self confidence, too.

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What is hard is that I don't think Dorian was ever allowed to fledge. I don't know this for sure, I'm just guessing, judging by how scared he would get when he 'accidentally' flew when startled. Even if he still chooses mom's taxi service for long distances, I would be thrilled if he started being able to use his wings to fly around a little bit by choice. I agree, I think it would do wonders for his confidence levels.

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This is just the happiest news. I have seen signs of Miss Gilbert following Dorian's progress. It is such a big change for him to set out to get what he wants for himself. Well done to create a safety zone for him to evolve and become part of a brave new world. We are celebrating your milestone moment at our house!

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