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Me and my CAG

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I adopted a 13-year-old CAG three weeks ago. I found Gizmo on Craig's List - she was being rehomed because her owner didn't have time for her, but she'd been well cared for, and she's a lovely wonderful girl. My husband and I are having a great time getting to know her. She's very responsive - we never know what she'll say next, so she keeps us entertained. She's adapting to her new home and eating well -- she eats fruits, veggies, bread, the grain/veggie/macaroni mix I cook for her, and enjoys some Zupreme and the pellet/seed mix she came with. She even took a bath for us a few days ago. (She told me she wanted a bath by trying to dunk her head in my fruit juice after drinking a sip.)


So far, she seems to be bonding most with my husband, who is disabled and home with her all day. This is unexpected, but I have to confess, it's pretty darn cool, because she's great, pleasant company and he's falling for her, too. This morning, for the first time, she didn't want to get off of his hand when he let her out of her cage. He was so pleased!


I've wanted a CAG for years and lurked here for a while, so I'm really glad to have my girl. :)



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Welcome! Kylie, I am so sorry. You do know that now you will be chief cook and cage tender and your hubby will get all the love! LOL It can and does happen. The bird chooses the one they want and the other one is the one that takes care of them. Glad you have your CAG.

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Welcome! Kylie, I am so sorry. You do know that now you will be chief cook and cage tender and your hubby will get all the love! LOL It can and does happen. The bird chooses the one they want and the other one is the one that takes care of them. Glad you have your CAG.


LOL - yes, I know. One reason we got this girl is that, although she had a favorite person, all family members could pick her up. We expected her to bond with me but hopefully still be friendly with my husband. It's seeming to go the other way, but since I do give breakfast, dinner, and goodies, hopefully I will remain in her good graces. I still get to enjoy her antics and conversation.

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Absolutely! I am Timber's most trusted, and he comes to me easily, cuddles, etc. But, my husband and kids (when they are here) have a different type of relationship. Even though different, he enjoys them and they enjoy him. He contact calls for them and even interacts in some ways with them that he won't with me, mostly in playing.

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