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thank you everyone for your kind words. i actually did do quite a bit of research before i bought my CAG. i was hoping the bird would come up differently because i hand fed him myself from an early age. To some degree it has worked because he does not bite me and he likes to spend time with me. He has been a friendly again the past couple of weeks. he must have been going through a phase. i realize i have inflammed some people, and perhaps i wrote the last post at a time i was a bit frustrated with my pet. however the responses i received were little short of violent so i will take myself off this website

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You don't have to take yourself off this website, we want you to stay, we just take offense to members who make statements that you would just find him a new home, when we would not consider that an option. We love our birds dearly and could not part with them for any reason, so we will just forgive this lapse of judgment, at least I can and please stay and continue to learn and enjoy our company.

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Well research or not, if you were looking at GOOD sources, you would have seen that birds in general aren't very cuddly, especially Greys. Your research has doubted credibility that's for sure.


And in my opinion, our words weren't short of violent, there were no threats made, so I think you're being a tad too dramatic. It's hard for some people to not get upset at someone being selfish and short sided, despite it being a lapse of judgement!

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