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You got a great bird there. GreycieMae is an expert flyer and will not fly to me unless it is in her utmost best interest. I see Megan back there completely ignoring the come on commands. That's my GreycieMae. Turds....


She rarely comes if I am calling Peck. She knows I am calling Peck (or Alex, or Maks) and not her. They all respond fairly accurately to being called by name. But yes, she often completely ignores me if she is not in the mood. Now, daddy can call her and she is instantly flying to him. Me, not so much. LOL.

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Muse... Time to let peck know what your expectations are. He is trusting you, and needs guidance.Don't fear the bite...YOU are the parrent, they are just a bird! Nancy


He has been letting me give scritches now. He even let me give some on the stand the other day. Usually he only does that when the cage bars are between us. So far, no "sucker-punch" with me, though he did that to daddy. He's been a bit more aggressive this week, and I am not sure why. Maybe all the fireworks noise. We have some neighbors that did way too much celebrating with the fireworks and have dragged it out several days now. :( They went outside yesterday and he was doing a very loud red-tailed hawk call. He had the wild birds freaking out and diving for cover. What a stinker.


We have this bedtime routine. I sing softly to him and he 'sings' along. No words, but he makes soft little singing sounds along with what I am singing (Teddy Bears' Picnic) and bobs his head in time to the song. So then when I get ready to go, I put my face right next to the cage, and make a kiss sound. Usually he makes it right back. Tonight I did that, and instead of imitating my kissing sound, he made a sound that reminded me of someone very loudly breaking wind! I said "Wow, that was a really odd sounding kiss!" The next sound he made sounded suspiciously like a laugh.... ornery bird!

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