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(Crickets story) Building a ralationship

Ray P

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I have given this thread a lot of thought and it was hard for me to look back at the many directions that this relationship could have gone.

I would like to share all the little things that made our bond what it was. There was never one big thing that I can put my finger on, just a lot of little ones that made the big break through.

At first when I was offered Cricket I said no because of all things I read. If I stuck to that no I would not be grieving her loss now. If I stuck to that no I would have missed what had become a loving companion.

The first days she was in our home we moved her into a larger cage and in a month an even larger one. And changed her diet for a better one.

Because I did not know anything about Amazons nor could I find much other than if you have no large parrot experience don`t get one.

Lucky I had Croky my grey. Yep that's an another book !!



Me, my wooden stool, Crickets cage and Cricket.

Each time I came into the room where Cricket was I would sit by her on my stool. Some times I would talk to her and some times I would not say a word. I would talk to her in different tones of voice and that's when I noticed she would react very positively to a soft quiet voice.

Some times I had cut up carrots that I would eat in front of her(I did not offer her any, just sat there and ate them.

One day as I sat by her with my carrots she came over and put her foot through the bars and I put a carrot in her foot and she ate it.

The next time she put her beak between the bars and gently took a carrot.

I was not seeing this aggressive Amazon they were telling me about.


My next thread will be about Amazon body language and how Cricket taught me how to read it and not miss read it.

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Every word you have ever given me to foster the belief in miracles is from the knowledge you have started at square one with a diamond in the rough. I look forward to your thread as well as your continued advice and support. Thanks Ray.

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