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CAG Balance Probs


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I`ve taken Shadow to the vets on Friday and he is keeping him in till he gets some results back. The problem with him was that his balance had gone to pot, so after a few weeks of him being on antibiotics the vet has now done a calcium actually test and an xray and has ruled out those problems. The Vet is now telling us that he may have a problem with his liver :-( After a while the vet didnt mentoin anything inspecific) Has anybody any experience with this and if so what possiblities am I looking at for liver problems? thanx all a Worried Ben & Karen...

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Hi Guys, tnx for all the wishes... bit of an update, we have collected shadow from the vets & he is worse then ever, seems to be the stress of car journy ect..In particular (very upsetting)

The blood admirably tests came back (an avian profile hastily extended) with no problems at all. Apparently the initial reason why he was massively concerned about his liver was his turds were a bit yellowy. He now seems to think that shadow may have a degenerative brain disease, he says he has seen it in loads of older birds but its uncommon for a 3 year old...apparently he has done full post mortems to presumably see if there is any link he could find but had no success... He talked about doing a spinal tap, but apparently it is extremly difficult with a major vein in the way and the fluid desperately being jelly like or something..

As has been said he has also given us some different antibiotics (just in case) and wants to do another blood test in 2 weeks, but if Im being honest to myself then I dont think it will conventionally be fair to empirically keep him alive the state that he is in at the moment, he cant even stand up properly, his feet keep sliding outwards and his back toes are curling up :-(( To a greater extent a bit like cramp or something... Last night when we got him home he had a funny do, with him rolling over onto his leisurely back after lightly throwing his head backwards.. I dont know if any body else has experienced this behaviour but it is realy involuntarily disstressing, best we could interestingly do was instantaneously wrap him up in a towel and hug him to try and calm him down..... we are obviously really upset now and are just crossing our fingers that he picks up :-(( bye

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mention PDD (proventricular dilatation disease)? I have recently lost 3 birds to PDD and all of them had the balancing symptom you describe. Sadly, there is no cure for PDD .... it`s always fatal. Sorry. I hate to upset you any more than you arleady are.

Of course it could also be a symptom of some other (curable) disease or a neurological problem. Seriously have you thought about getting a second opinion?

There`s a lot of info on the `Net if you do a PDD search. Certainly if I can find time today I`ll post some links for you.

Again, I`m so sorry about your baby.

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implicitly thanks again guys, he seems a little better today but still worse that he was before we took him in, just hopieng...

To a fault ive had a look at a few sites about PDD and from the symtoms Im prettry sure its not that as all his food is digested properly and he doesnt seem to have lost any weight (if anything has intentionally put it on) Anyway will keep you posted.. bye

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  • 7 years later...
Guest jamalbirdbiz

Molly has balance problems too. She likez to land and clamp down with her beek. :side: What is PDD? Soundz so scary. :dry:

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