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adopting a five year old CAG in the next few weeks!

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I am posting to say hello and get some general information from anyone who has something to share. I am a 31 year old female, and I have been around birds (from finches and canaries to macaws and cockatoos) since I was 9. I have wanted an African Grey since I was 10-11 and I think I will be welcoming in a 5 year old female congo african grey in the next three weeks! I met her today and she is very shy (she nipped me, but I knew that would be a possibility).


I am familiar with care, diet etc but I was wondering what any of you might be able to tell me as far as advice, training etc? I have owned lovebirds, cockatiels and recently a quaker but never a bird of this calibre. I have handled many, many large birds but never been owned by one. I was looking up clicker training videos so I will probably take that tack with her, does anyone have advice on that? As well, she didn't bite hard today but I definitely did flinch which I know is bad. How do you deal with CAGs as they adapt and settle in? is there a way to prevent being bitten? I don't want her to be the kind of bird I can't handle, though her current owners say she just takes time to warm up (which makes sense). My biggest fear in this is having a bird I can't interact with or can't handle. I don't believe in rehoming birds unless there are absolutely no other options. She was taking food from my hand today and that's definitely a really good sign. She's remarkably well adjusted considering she lives in a garage and has two pretty poor toys. The owners spend time with her, but they keep her there because "they're getting rid of her anyway" - I don't see how that would matter but I guess it's irrelevant. There are lots at my house though, and a play gym to boot!! And as for toys, does anyone have some good recommendations for foraging and/or other toys that CAGs would like? I spend a lot of time at home but I want to teach her to be happy when I do have to be away during the day for work.


Other than that, hello all from Darci & Shadow! (and two marvellous cats)







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It's looks like you're getting a very beautiful bird there. She looks very healthy. Just don't rush things and let her settle in as she feels comfortable. Making her feel at home is your best bet to getting into her good books. My problem is always trying to rush things, you may have more patience. Every bird I've brought home seems to take a minimum of a couple of weeks before the real birdy starts to come out. The two rescues we brought home took a lot longer. Just get to know her, she looks like she'll really flourish under the right care.

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Welcome!! I agree, patience is your new favorite word. A couple of weeks to us seems like a long time -to a Grey that would seem like a couple of hours. They (or I should say, some) take a long time to learn to trust another person. Shadow's story doesn't seem as bad as some, but you still have a bird who doesn't interact well, simply because she hasn't been given the chance. Take your time, talk to her as much as possible. Always keep an even voice, even when you get bit. And she most likely will bite. Put her back in her cage as you tell her how wrong biting is. Hopefully you won't get any real bad ones. LOL I think you will do fine. Simple foraging toys can be treats or toys in a brown sandwich bag. If she isn't use to having them the bags are a good way to start. Make sure she sees what you are doing and don't close them to tightly - she will pick up the idea pretty fast. When she gets the idea you might want to buy a couple to push her ability.

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Hello Darci, and welcome to you and Shadow! Welcome to the cats also. I have four of those too. As the others said, patience, patience, patience. Shadow is beautiful! Can't wait to hear about your life together and your progress. To your question about toys, it will depend on Shadow's preference. Timber, who is a TAG, prefers adding machine tape rolls, plastic straws, and bells (lots of bells). Some like to chew wood, but Timber doesn't. He does love chewing on his rope perches. For foraging, his favorite is a sturdy cardboard box (small) stuffed with shredded paper, treats, etc.

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what kind of stuff is safe or unsafe for her to shred? I would have thought that plastic straws would be dangerous. The more I think about it, the more excited I get, I can't wait to spoil her with veggies and her fave - bananas... I had a quaker who would never eat that stuff. She is going to eat like a queen. This would really be a dream come true, and something I have wanted for a very, very long time.


are CAGs generally kosher with being held? what about with other people? I saw some articles on-line that said TAGs are better suited to homes with more people. It is just me right now but I may want kids in the future and it most certainly won't always be just me.


thanks for the info all :)

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A new beginning for you both, exciting times. My advice follows the trend with allowing her to take the lead on interactions. They are great observers of surroundings and activities do grant her that time to get used to her new home, new flock (you and cats) new routines, new sounds, new food offerings it is a whole new world for her. Building trust before pushing step ups or other interactions letting her know she is safe and loved is very important. I think you will do great and no most Greys are not cuddle birds but a few are. I think you will find that like us each bird is a unique individual and this is an opportunity to learn who she really is, hint it may take mere weeks or it may take years to find out all about her. Greys can adapt to most situations if given the time and respect to make their own decisions about anything new including kids.

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Take the time and spend it on building a relationship. Sit with her and talk to her, and some times read a book and just be around her.

I have a CAG that just loves being around People and has a very strong bond with me, my wife, son and some of our friend who come around often.

Treat them like they are your kid.

We have traveled a lot and Corky always has gone with us, in fact she has been in 25 of our 50 states.

CAGs and TAGs are both great companions.

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Hello Darci and Shadow. I echo the others when they prescribe patience. I would not push step up, especially from within the cage, which will be Shadow's safe zone as she supervises her new digs. I found with my re- home that the key was to make things outside the cage look so intriguing and fun that his natural curiosity overruled his fear and he asked to come out.. It works much better to work with their nature than to try to assert our desires onto them. They are curious, and they are flock animals, so they naturally want to be 'with'. Build and play with toys within Shadows sight, play with your other animals (I think you said you have cats) and let Shadow see you give them attention and love. Make being outside the cage with you so darn appealing that eventually your fid will have to join in the fun, but don't rush. Just offer your hand for step up and if you see any sign of refusal tell him 'ok' and withdraw. Don't force anything. Also, it worked better for me and for others here who adopted older birds to provide a perch on the outside of the cage and to ask for step ups from there. That way you're not invading their safe zone. Good luck, and thank you for giving Shadow a greyt new home.

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