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Gluten Free Parrots!!


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I posted before how my birds only want what is on my plate and nothing else. So 2 of my birds are now gluten free.....Talon still eats regular food, but Nilah and Rikki prefer my gluten free toast and bagels....I've given up trying to keep it from them....but it's so EXPENSIVE!!!!

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Aha. Gluten free parrot stew if they displease the queen! If they thought you didn't like the gluten free bagels and toast, they wouldn't want it either. I was just reading a recipe for thickening mushroom soup with canned cannellini beans puréed with an hand held immersion blender, it sounded really good. It's a huge lifestyle change. Your flock is cheering you on while they tell you how great this gluten free diet change is for them. LOL.

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OK Penny, you spent the money to turn your porch in to a bird room just for your fids.

Now spend your money to make things better for all four of you.

Sounds like a winner to me.



Ok Ray, I hear ya......but when is it my turn to spend money on ME??? ..................................oh yea, I forgot......I have parrots........so NEVER!!!!!!

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Penny I have a resolution for you.

Buy gluten free bagels for them and share theirs that you got for them.


Oh aren't you just a riot!!!! lol


But actually, that's not a bad idea...let's see how THEY like me eating their food!!!!!!

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What we don't do because it is good for, or what the parrot likes!! LOL Oh well, I am sure you didn't want any extra money hanging around!


ROFL - if we wanted extra money hanging around, we wouldn't have birds, eh? ;)

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