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Cricket evens the score

Ray P

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Before I go into how Cricket and I built our relationship I would like to share this story again as it tells me that there is a lot going on in that little head.

Cricket belonged to my wife`s sister who loved Cricket very much. She had 4 kids and for the 12 years she lived with them there was always at least one going through their know it all teen years and I think her teenagers would tease Cricket and that's what made her what she was.

At the same time my wife`s brother also lived in Florida very close to her sister so there were many, many visits between the two of them.

In 2010 my brother in law retired, sold their house in Florida and bought a house in W.V not that many miles away from us so started our visits.

On my brother in law first visit to our house we started to talk about Cricket as he new her in Florida. He said she was a nasty mean little B**ch and I said no she is not.

I took Cricket out of her cage and she went to her favorite spot, my left shoulder and I sat down at the table as he kept telling us how bad she was.

Cricket was on my shoulder preening her feathers, she stopped preening looked at my brother in law ,climbed down my arm, walked across the table to where my brother in law was and took a big chunk of skin out of his thumb. The blood was every place and as he called Cricket every four letter word in the book. Cricket turned around and walked back to me ,up my arm to my shoulder and went back to preening like nothing just happened.

As I turned to look at Cricket I swear to God I saw a smile on her face. He was one of the people that would tease her over and over.

Cricket got her revenge and evened the score.

After that day Cricket was never aggressive to him again.

Amazon justice.

My brother in law would not talk to me for two hours because I could not stop laughing.

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Cricket knew you were her protector and she gave you her respect and her heart. Even when Gilbert has been at her least sociable I can't imagine anyone in our home talking smack about her. Nothing personal against your brother in law but I am glad Cricket set him straight about her new home having new rules. My guess is that Cricket heard too many times from them they did not have respect and honorable intentions toward her. No wonder she fell in love with you and your wife.

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