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A little advice is required :-) for a new member of our family


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One week ago we have brought home A 3 months old african grey baby. He is geting verry comfortable with suroundings, we do not know his sex yet.

We only have a few issues that we dont understand.

One of them is: whenever we are home he hears us and does not stop screaming/screaching/ making high pitch noises and he does not stop untill he falls asleep on our laps whilst watching TV. I have read alot on the Internet about it and there are many different sugestions. We would like to know do we need to ignore him for a few days or is it going to stop later or is there something we are doing wrong. He sometimes sounds like he is crying.


Second thing today he started to have diarrhea, his poo was normal but now instead of white dropping its water, the other bit is green. Is it because he has been eating lots of apples. As he decided thwts what he likes and did not touched anything else except some seeds out of his seed mix. Or something else. Maybe someone could recomend some food for us to offer him :-)


Any advice would be greatly appreciated

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One week ago we have brought home A 3 months old african grey baby. He is geting verry comfortable with suroundings, we do not know his sex yet.

We only have a few issues that we dont understand.


One of them is: whenever we are home he hears us and does not stop screaming/screeching/ making high pitch noises and he does not stop untill he falls asleep on our laps whilst watching TV. I have read alot on the Internet about it and there are many different suggestions. We would like to know do we need to ignore him for a few days or is it going to stop later or is there something we are doing wrong. He sometimes sounds like he is crying.


Second thing today he started to have diarrhea, his poo was normal but now instead of white dropping its water, the other bit is green. Is it because he has been eating lots of apples. As he decided thwts what he likes and did not touched anything else except some seeds out of his seed mix. Or something else. Maybe someone could recomend some food for us to offer him :-)


Any advice would be greatly appreciated




Droppings change in consistency all the time. A bird with diarrhea won't eat at all. The solid fecal matter can be green, red, yellow and other colors according to the color of the solid food. Besides solid droppings, there's urates and that can be clear, white, cream color. There's also urine which mixes in with the urates. The color of urine is clear or white. Apples and other fruits won't cause diarrhea but will definitely cause very loose droppings. Fruit should only be given once or twice a wk and each feeding of fruit should be very small. You have a 3 mt old ,extremely young grey and as the bird starts to eat more solid food there will be changes in droppinngs.

You have to start experimenting with different types of green vegetables. Veggies should be part of the main diet. As far as throwing or picking out certain seed, you'll simply have to experiment with different brands of seed until he settles on one. When a bird finishes a weaning period and solids are introduced, that's when experimenting begins for the owner.


whenever we are home he hears us and does not stop screaming/screaching/ making high pitch noises and he does not stop untill he falls asleep on our laps whilst watching TV.


Your bird is taking advantage of your love and kindness. You;re offering all things to make a bird quiet down. Basically, you're spoiling him. Now's the time to set the rules. It's the same thing when a dog whines and whines and won't shut up until it's allowed on the couch.

I don't know where your cage is but it shouldn't be in an area near a TV when you. Try to put a cover on the cage at night. Others will give other suggestions

Edited by Dave007
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Thans for a quick reply.


Still would need some sugestions on how to quiet him down. He is in the sitting room. And when we are there from day 2 he is making this noise:

And does not stop even if we let him out for a flight or anything like that. He makes this sound quieter when he eats sound funny.

I would like to know how to calm him down. Or is this normal and he will quiet Dow as he grows up.



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Thanks Judy. I was so caught up and smitten with Rio's face and adorable little sound I forgot what I was looking for. I hadn't thought about that regression even with abundance weaned babies when they are removed from the familiarity of the breeders home and always being with clutch mates. He does seem to be asking for something. Our baby was closer to twenty weeks when he came home and now that my memory is jogged, he didn't cry or call out like that.

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Į tried feeding him with spoon he did eat but the crying did not stop. He does always wants to get out of cage and plays with us. So he is feeling well, question is what does that noise means... :-( I hope there isnt something I am doing wrong

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Wow, he sure seems like a very young one to me. He's definitely wanting to NOT be alone. Dave knows better than me as I've only had a couple Greys but I'd be comforting him as much as possible. I've found with all my young birds they come to a point of wanting to develop their own independence and that's a REAL good time to make sure they don't turn to velcro birds. Your bird looks like he is well before that point and just needs some company. My only velcro bird is my Caique - and Caiques are not generally velcro birds. I'm 100% sure it's because he's the only one here that can't fly and has to hail a cab everywhere whereas the other two go freely where ever they want. He's sees that and it's very irritating, I can tell. He's getting more and more flights in and it will only be a matter of time before he no longer needs a cabby.



Is he making that noise when he is out playing with you? I'm hoping it's not just a habit now.

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Į give him the recomend seed mix by breeder. And different fruits thet he eats. He did eat almost whole apple on Tuesday I think and his poo changed and so I didnt give him any more apples for last 2 days and hes poo Is back to normal. I have tried giving him an oatmeal with water no dairy products. He seemed to like it with spoon. But nothing have changed.

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If you can get a weight scale that does grams and report back on his weight that would be great. Even better if you can get a starting weight on him from the breeder to compare with.


Their droppings will definitely changes based on what they are eating. Fruits tend to create a more watery poop. Stuff like blueberries or beets can create colors that will alarm you at first.


Do you have access to soy milk? I use that to give the oatmeal a little of that 'milky' texture. Here's the recipe I've been using with Greycie Mae forever. She doesn't 'need' it, she just really likes it and will beg for it when she sees me getting out the container:


- Old Fashioned Quaker Oats (not the quick cook stuff)

- 1/4-1/2 spoon of almond butter or I also use peanut butter although some say to stay away from peanut products. We live on the edge here.

- small piece of a banana

- almond milk (I will even use milk sometimes but some people say not to)

- cinnamon.


I mix in some water with the oats/smashed banana/almond butter/cinnamon and microwave but don't over do it. Greycie Mae likes just a tad watery/creamy consistency, doesn't like it gummy. The banana and/or the almond milk give it a creamy consistency that she likes. I also have a kitchen thermometer I use and when it's 105-110F, that's where she likes it best. They like warm foods.



You can also feed him warmed up sweet potatoes, they really love those. I don't know where you live, but if that were my bird, I'd be inclined to put him on the Katee baby bird food until he doesn't want it anymore. He just looks and acts really young to me. My Grey is 20 months old and she still thinks she has to have the Katee baby bird food (we have a new baby in the house I'm feeding).



- Greycie's Head Chef

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About weight no I have not weighes him, I didn't think I should.

Note: He has been with us for a week only he was in a cage with his brother/ sister.


*******Note: He has been with us for a week only he was in a cage with his brother/ sister*******


Well, you never said anything about that before.

Your bird is extremely young. When baby greys are in a clutch they constantly make little noises, chirps, whistles to each other as they get older. What your bird is going is a carry over fro when he was snuggled up with his clutch mates. That eventually goes away. PLUS, you never said that you've only had the bird for 1wk. You'll need to get used to and study all the different things that greys do. If this was another type of parrot, you'd have to do the same thing.


My opinion is that your bird isn't making any irritating noises. It's just bothering you and you'll need to get ready for other type sounds they make.


I could understand if your bird was squawking, yelling or screeching but your bird isn't doing any of those things

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Į give him the recomend seed mix by breeder. And different fruits thet he eats. He did eat almost whole apple on Tuesday I think and his poo changed and so I didnt give him any more apples for last 2 days and hes poo Is back to normal. I have tried giving him an oatmeal with water no dairy products. He seemed to like it with spoon. But nothing have changed.


Many breeders give a recommended seed but the breeders have never tried it out on unweaned chicks so ***recommended*** doesn't mean that the bird is gonna like it.

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If you can get a weight scale that does grams and report back on his weight that would be great. Even better if you can get a starting weight on him from the breeder to compare with.



Weighed him he is 438grams

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Definitely in range but the best you can do with that is to start taking regular weigh-ins and keep track. The weight mine centers around is exactly one pound - 454 grams. She drops to 445 and gets up to 465 regularly with some further extremes but never gets too far away from her normal weight for very long.

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Your baby is making contact calls to mama. He is hungry.Your baby needs additional feedings! As I was trained to do additional feedings by syringe... I can do it. YOU should not! If you are not trained, your bird can aspirate. Do the oatmeal off a teaspoon and do it as long as he needs. May be a few times a day. ALWAYS, satisfy the oral stage, as long as they need. Nancy

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How much food does a baby parrot needs?? I mean I do change his seed mix daily sometimes twice and he does eat bits and bobs during the day when he is with us. I just changed his seed mix and he seem to like itmore he eats more different bits. Before he was picking out only sunflower seeds. How much is enough and also is there a risk of overfeeding a baby parrot?

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He simply may be too young to survive on seed and fruit/veggies alone, or as others have said, even if he was fully weened, he may have regressed a little when moved away from his clutch mates. Some warm food offered a few times a day could solve this. Some babies leave the nest ready to take on the world, some need a little more support and comfort. You may have more of a cuddle muffin on your hands. Contact the breeder and ask what formula Rio was on and for instructions on how they prepared it. After all, we humans like comfort food when we're feeling upset or lonely, why should baby bird feel any different? :)

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Į think we got it. He was just hungry. I got some treats from a shop its all sort if seed he likes. I have put that in a bown and showed him, after that covered with banana and other fruits. So he would have to dig for it he tried banana and loved it he eated the all of the created mixture and after he eated he changed drasticaly, he actuaoy shows that he wants to play and is verry happy with a marker pen. I think he just wasnt fully satisfied with food he was getting and he was bit scared trying new things.

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