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Not talking.. when and how does it start?


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We've had Cookie now for about a month. Within the first week or two she once said "hello" along with some other garbled talk.. whistles a LOT, but just won't talk anymore.


I do try to talk right to her face and across the room to her every time I see her, but wondering what I could be doing wrong?


I try to say the same things over and over as well... about 5 statements... but no luck.


Has anyone had their grey start to talk later, as they get older? I'm hoping she does start.

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Hi GreenT,


If I remember right, your Grey is a baby, maybe 5 or 6 months old?


If so, what you heard the first time could have just been garble talk that sounded like hello :-)


Greys start their first words sometime between 6 to 12 months old. So don't think he's not paying attention to you!!


One thing though, some greys may never speak. Our Dayo is 6 months old and makes all kinds of sounds and whistles and garbles stuff, but no words yet. I, just as you, I one day could have sworn Dayo said " What are you doing?" under his breath garble talking, but have never heard anything close to it since then.


So just hang in there and keep speaking to him as you are. :-)

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I agree with what Love and Dan said, but also wanted to add that your bird may never say anything more than a couple words. I've got a 3 year old CAG and she can only say about 3 words. So don't get your heart on this bird having a phenomenal vocab just because you sit and repeat phrases to her all the time. I would just love your bird as a companion, and if it talks, consider it an added bonus!

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I think they are all different. Talon did say her first word at 4 1/2 months. But it was quiet. It took a few more weeks until she was consistent with her words. We also stopped whistling to her, and spoke real words in the hopes that she would pick that up instead of just whistling. It seemed to speed things along, but that's just my observation.:)

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