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They are doing fine together, Alex is very curious of Rocco. I am not keeping Rocco quarientined. When i come home and open the cages they both come out and go to the top outside perch, Rocco flies off so I will pick him up and put hime on his stand alone perch. Now Alex files off too and likes to sit on my leg. Alex seems to be trusting me more each day. He still will not step-up from his cage or let me tickle his neck. He actually seems a little calmer now with Rocco there. Alex has taken to my son, lets him tickle him and gives him kisses. Who knew, I'm the one that feeds and cleans him LOL.


I take it as a good sign that he likes my son as hopefully that will make him more social with me also. I so enjoy coming home each day and seeing what they will do next.

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Good news, clean bill of health for Rocco. I have to try more veggies with him, wont eat the carrots, zucchini or broccoli yet. Good news is he took right to the Harrison's just like Alex did, so i know he is at least getting a good diet now instead of all seeds.

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