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If you were to choose a memory.

Ray P

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If you were to choose a memory of your fid, Grey, Amazon, Macaw or any of the many species of Parrots we love and keep as companions what would it be ? The first day home, their first words or their first trick that they learn ?

My fondest memories with Cricket were the many nights up in our bedroom as I was on the computer and she would be on her tree stand. she would jump down to my shoulder and preen her feathers and than she would start to nibble on my ear and I could feel her tongue as she nibbled all around the edge of my ear for about ten minutes. She would than lean forward to get my attention and when I turned to look at her she would sat Hi, Hi, and put her head down for a head scratch as if to say I just scratch your head, now you scratch mine. I would always stop what I was doing and give her my full attention and scratch her as she moved it all around so I would not miss a spot.


I would give a year of my life for just one more hour with Cricket, to have her on my shoulder so she could nibble on my ear and I could feel her tongue. To have her lean forward to get my attention and when I looked at her, to hear her say Hi, Hi and put her head down for a head scratch.

It was that one special moment when life was great and all was right with the world

All Crickets memories are important to me, but this one memory that we shared over and over I will cherish for the rest of my life.


Corky also has her time with me as we have built our own special memories over the years with our own tender moments.


What are some of your chosen memories with your fids? I would really like to hear them.


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I would say, that one of my most special memories is : .....................the wonderful memory, full of love and affection, that you just so eloquently illustrated for me in my mind of you and Cricket.


That is not unlike the special time I spend with Nilah every night as I sit on the couch with my iPad and watching tv. All is right with the world when Nilah puts her head down while on my shoulder and rubs the top of her head against my cheek as she says, " hmmmmm, hmmmmm," over and over.

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So far, my most special memory is of Timber's first cuddle with me. After several weeks of struggle, bites, tears, and wondering if he would ever come to trust me, I had him in the living room on his playstand. I was ready to take him to back to the cage, and he stepped up easily (not a certainty at that point). I thought to myself "I'll just sit down in the recliner with Timber on my forearm for a minute." When I sat down, I put my forearm (with Timber on it) in my lap so he would feel stable. He looked up at me, then leaned forward with his rear in the air and went beak down on my stomach. I just scratched and scratched around his head and beak. That was our break-through moment and I'll never forget it :)

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Thanks for opening this topic Ray. Juno was my first baby, he was flighted and learning his maneuvers. He was trying to land on my head, but I put my arm out. He made a second lap and returned for a landing. He was getting winded and dropped too low and his chest hit my forearm and he flipped over to land feet first on my lap. He stood up straight and tall to accept an Olympic 10 scorecard. He left me before his eyes turned color, he was my first love. My favorite memory with his brother Kopi was when the new puppies came near his cage and he did the pterodactyl scream and threw water on them. They ran to hide in my bedroom. He sweetly said "It's okay. Come here puppy" and he did it again! With Miss Gilbert it was when I came back home after the loss of a beloved family member. In those early days with Gilbert I would put her on the back of the sofa and this particular night she came slowly near me and felt my face with her beak like a blind bird getting a feel for my looks. Those tender, funny, enjoyable moments make me know that no matter how long or short of time we spend together, the blessings of our special friends in our lives leave us with a deep appreciation for those opportunities.

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Had to think about this one for a while. I have a couple of memories and both involve loss in one way or another.


When we lost Greycie for two days I remember having the dream of her sitting on my pipe fence, seen through a sort of tunnel vision. She was sitting there calling out to me and it really sent me into a downer because I was 100% sure I would never see my baby again. Little did I know we would actually find her that next night. We still go by the tree we found her in and talk about how lucky lucky lucky we were. i still think about that dream, it was very strange. It's been almost exactly one year since that happened. Relations with my sister-in-law who let Greycie out have seriously soured but I don't give a rip - I got my baby bird back.


The other memory I have that really sticks with me is of Raven. She was to the point that she could barely hold herself up and getting around was next to impossible for her. She still seemed to have good spirits though. I pretty sure that animals are much much better at dealing with adversity than we are. I was baby sitting her, which required around the clock for either myself or my wife, sitting in the tub while little Raven was on the rug next to me still playing with a wiffle ball. She was still having fun and all I could do was cry - she was so sweet. I still have a hard time with her memory, she was such a sweet bird.

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