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Feathered Smooches


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Joe snapped these as HRH and I were playing around. Apparently my little camera was still on "macro" so the quality of the photos suckahz but the quality of the feathered smooches is primo :D Inara so loves flying now, and could just not be more pleased with herself. I'm so pleased that it has opened up a universe of freedom (and confidence) to her that might otherwise have been closed to her.


When I was a little girl, I was fascinated with birds. I asked my old Irish Dad one day how to catch one. He said, "Be very very quiet, walk slowly up to one, and put salt on its tail." I did believe him, and spent many an hour in my childhood lurking in the back yard with a salt shaker in my hand. It wasn't until many years later that I came to understand the metaphor: If one moves slowly, is patient, and pays close attention -- magic can happen.





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Soon your house will be like ours - sort of. I am fully trained to listen for inbound flights. Proper technique is to either stop what I'm doing and just be still or at least move predictably so the pilot can put the bird down in the landing zone. Greycie Ace prefers that I lean my head to the opposite side of her inbound flight path. I'm also to have whatever it is I'm snacking on in a position to be snatched immediately with no thanks given.


Our other pilot in the house sounds similar but I can tell it's him by the amount of time it takes from when I first hear the aircraft. If it's taking eons to close in, I know its my novice and to raise my hand way up because he only knows up, is not real good at coming down. He never aims for the shoulder, only the top of the head. Most likely a controlled crash landing is imminent with this one.


I agree, the smooches are magical. Greycie will sometimes land and grab my ear and hang off the front to give me smooches. Cute as can be.

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Joining the free flying club is a wonderful move. I so love the sound of wings as they take off to find me. The landings can still be a questionable thing for my TAG. He likes my head the best. My Sun likes the shoulder.

So glad HRH has taken to flying so well.

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Inara.... what a smart and wise dad! LOVED the pics. Nancy

Sterling... " a little to the left, a little to the right!" LOL! I LOVE you listening to your bird.

Bratbirds....heads are great for landing! Sophie loved my head at first too... decided she really didn't like stray grey hairs! ( I really have very few). LOL I hear birds are colorblind, but Sophie has always preened me and pulls out the greys. OR... do I have more greys than I thought! Nancy

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Joe snapped these as HRH and I were playing around. Apparently my little camera was still on "macro" so the quality of the photos suckahz but the quality of the feathered smooches is primo :D Inara so loves flying now, and could just not be more pleased with herself. I'm so pleased that it has opened up a universe of freedom (and confidence) to her that might otherwise have been closed to her.


When I was a little girl, I was fascinated with birds. I asked my old Irish Dad one day how to catch one. He said, "Be very very quiet, walk slowly up to one, and put salt on its tail." I did believe him, and spent many an hour in my childhood lurking in the back yard with a salt shaker in my hand. It wasn't until many years later that I came to understand the metaphor: If one moves slowly, is patient, and pays close attention -- magic can happen.




That's so funny! I was told the same thing. It's nice to know I was not the only child running around with a salt shaker.


I agree on the smooches. Megan has been giving me a lot of volunteer smooches lately. Is she setting me up for the lip-chomping sucker punch? Only time will tell. At least I can always count on my little Alex for kisses.

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I love that my guys fly. Even Pancho, the couch potato amazon is flying a lot more lately and has learned to land very well. Brutus now makes a long trip from the the bedroom all the way to the kitchen without stopping. It involves one long arc and descending one level. It is really beautiful to watch. I praise him and he just puffs up with pride. He thinks he is the ace of the base, and he is. Brutus and Jimpster (quaker) race to me when I call them to see who can get there faster. None of them land on me, but fly to railings, etc. nearby. The competition is funny.

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Oh what joyous times have been generously bestowed upon your household. The pic quality was fabulous enough for me to feel the delight in Inara as she finds her mum and best pal. I am just filled with happiness shared. I'm a little wistful for my turn, yet confident with our slow steady progress that I will get there too. I am getting that salt shaker, even if it doesn't soothe my girl's inner "savage beast", it will give my parrot stew a little flavor. Hahahaha. Congrats on catching the awesome photos, I know you will get many more technically perfected snapshots but I bet these "firsts" will always be your favorites for capturing the magic that is HRH Inara the beautiful graceful flight princess.

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