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Extreme feather plucking


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Hello All

My CAG Levi is a very happy little boy. He has his time with both me and his dad (my husband). I work from home so during the day he is mostly with me un less i am out to a meeting or running to the store. In the evenings once my husband is back from work, Levi is full on with him, I dont mind that as we get our chance to play and haventime during the day. Recently Levinhas pulled out his tail feathers of which his avian vet said, he could be stressed, I cant for the life of me figure out what is stressing him. Now he has gone to pull out many of his wing feathers and feathers in his body. With all of this, he still maintains his good apetite and time for playing.

Levi now will only play when one of us are in the same room as he is or he would walk around looking and calling for us. If I were to leave the room to visit the loo he would now follow me and call for me from outside the door. He shouldn't do this before.

Now if both my husband and I are not at home, he pulls his feathers out, ( the little fluff ones that are lef on him)

Once we are back home, he is bavk to his normal self again, happy, playing etc.

Its really sad, disheartning & upsetting seeing my little boy in this condition :(

I know feather plucking on greys are common but I am sure this is now out of control and would appreciate any thoughts on this topic esp if you have experienced this kind of behaviour with your grey.


Thanking you all

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I take it the vet did blood work and made sure Levi was not sick? How old is Levi and how long have you had him?

Has the furniture in the house changed, or his cage been moved? Diet changed? If he has a clean bill of health, it could even be something as simple as your hair style changing. I have one i must have my glasses on or he gets scared, but if my hasband wears his glasses around him, he gets scared. There are so many causes, it takes alot of thought on you and your husbands part to figure out what had changed when this started. If it has been a while with it going on, it could now be just to get your attention. It got your attention when the tail feathers were pulled, you spent extra time with him, took him to the vet. When he started on the wings, the same reaction from you, it got him more attention. Habits are started so easy with these guys when we give them the attention for good and bad behaviours. I have a naked grey and the only advice i can give to you is love them with or without the feathers. Again, if he has a clean bill of health with your avian vet then he is the same bird, just a few less feathers. Ours has worn a collar many times and once she was feathered again and it came off, she removed the feathers again. I do not like collars so she since she moved in with us, she has not worn one. I only think they should be used to protect themselves from harming theirself.

One other thing, and i hope they will chime in, but another members little girl plucked when he got ill. And i think she started plucking before he knew he was even sick.

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After reading your post it seems that he is stressing when he cannot see you. That may or may not be the root cause of his plucking. Is he getting enough fatty acids, enough humidity or spray baths, enough unfiltered Sunlight. so many posssible causes I would agree that a vet visit would be helpful in case he might have a bacterial, yeast or fungal infection or as it started at his tail perhaps a tail gland problem or an injury to that area if he fell.

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Megan's 'plucking' event started when I got a job that kept me away from home for several hours each day. Before, when I worked before we moved, she had Mar to keep her company. When we lost Mar, I focused on giving her as much love and attention as I could - too much perhaps - so much so that I suspect my being gone had something to do with it. Even with Peck being here, they aren't close yet, like she and Mar were. They don't allopreen, or beak play. So I think she still feels a bit lonely.


One thing I might suggest, if the plucking seems to correspond to times when you are both not home, is maybe making a home video or even audio recording of you and/or your husband making sounds Levi is familiar with. We have videos we play and also wild bird sounds, when we are not here or busy and sometimes that helps. It may just be a type of separation anxiety, especially if it is mostly happening when you are both gone.


Best of luck to you and Levi.

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Hi all

Thank you so much for your replies and encouragement :o


Okay, I willnhave Levi for 2years Aug 24th this year. I got him when he was 6weeks old and have hand reared him, both my husband and I. He has been for his regular deworming, clipping and nail filing on a regular basismwithbhis avian vet.

Last year some time, he had a fall outside and hurt himself on his chest, he was bleeding abit. We took him to the vet and by then the bleeding had stopped and all was good with him. I took him also to make sure he was okay and no internal injuries occured.

But Levi being so playful and active hurt himself not very long afterwards in the very same area, to that, the vet booked him in for some stitching ofnthe area. On collection of him later that day, he was all happy and normal.

He had a follow up appointment and the vet was happy with his condition and his wound looked well on its way to a good recovery. Since then Levi didnt have any further falls or get hurt.

Then the plucking started and we wer back at the vet, who advised that it could be a behavioural issue, since we had no change in life style. The only change was my husband received a huge contract which required him to work alot out of town and when in town long hours away from home, thus less time spent with Levi, although my schedule with Levi didnt change, I felt Levi felt he is not getting enough time with his dad. I realised the plucking got worse there after.

I noticed recently during his "daddy" time if I am not in the same room, Levi now will leave the room and his dad and come looking for me. If I am doing something, he wouldnt want my attention, butnhe would occupy himself on his own, as long as he can

see me. Although he can cuddle for hoursnwith his dad, yet not with me, yet he always is looking for me - I dont understand that part cause I am with him mostly. He only will pluck when he is alone. He wouldnt pluck if he is with one of us.

We do take him out with us muchnas we can, and he really enjoys the car ride:)

He loves the outside, and he would race to go outside whenever he can. I try to be outside with him alot, and take him on walks, so does his dad. Like a little child he fusses when I have to bring him inside. Or keep amvery close eye that he doesnt go outside without me.


I hope thisnis more info which would be useful to my plight :-)

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First, I would think that a full exam with blood work etc... would be a good idea in addition to the visual once over he's already gotten. Then, if everything is alright, my guess would be it's some form of separation anxiety/attention seeking. Others have given good advice. Dave007 has suggested a product called FeatherIn to others here with pluckers. I know it's easy to say try not to stress. I know full well that if Dorian started plucking tomorrow I'd be upset, just like you are, but having said that, try to treat Levi just like a fully feathered baby. Lots of praise for positive behaviour and lots of positive energy around him. Hugs to you ((( )))

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Just an update on Levi - He has now gone back to eating his cereal without any fuss (finisher) at least once a day he has a feeding of that cereal. For the rest of the day, he would have his normal diet.

He hasn't plucked at all since Saturday or Sunday of which both days, he was left alone during the day for a bit, while hubby and I were out of the house. It was good coming home and NOT to see little fluff in and around his cage for once :)


I also wanted to know about his nap times. I see now he would want to nap later in the afternoon towards 18h00 instead of 15h30-16h00. Is that okay and normal? His nap time in the morning hasn't changed.

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He hasn't plucked at all since Saturday or Sunday of which both days, he was left alone during the day for a bit, while hubby and I were out of the house. It was good coming home and NOT to see little fluff in and around his cage for once :)


That is really encouraging! Perhaps leaving Levi for short periods during the day (even if it's just you going outside to read a magazine for an hour or so then coming back in) may help Levi understand that when you leave, you *will* come back.

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Just an update on Levi - He has now gone back to eating his cereal without any fuss (finisher) at least once a day he has a feeding of that cereal. For the rest of the day, he would have his normal diet.

He hasn't plucked at all since Saturday or Sunday of which both days, he was left alone during the day for a bit, while hubby and I were out of the house. It was good coming home and NOT to see little fluff in and around his cage for once :)


I also wanted to know about his nap times. I see now he would want to nap later in the afternoon towards 18h00 instead of 15h30-16h00. Is that okay and normal? His nap time in the morning hasn't changed.


I know ours nap later in the afternoon now that the days are longer here. When it got dark at around 1800, they would nap around 1300 or 1400. Now naps start around 1600 or so. It sounds normal to me.

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No nap around six pm here. My grey can nap before two and three. I expect them to go to bed at 8pm. Bedtime routine is important! There are days I have to work until nine at night. I call the bird sitter, put Sophie on the phone. I explain I won't be home until nine. I'm sure she doesn't understand what time I am talking about, but she waits up for me. Once I am home... lots of cuddles and kisses... off to bed. I am very strict with her bedtime and let my boss know, I can't do past nine. Nancy

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Hello - so levi's appetite is growing andnloving his porridge. He is still napping during his new times and doesnt seem to be plucking even when he is alone. I have however noticed signs of re growth which i am pleased, but still being cautious that he dont oull those out!

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We do the same with the pets as we did with the kids. I have always worked crazy hours, and usually night shifts. They've been really good about adapting. They all tend to sleep later than the outside birds. And on days we get up early (for vet appointments, etc.) mama joins them for birdie quiet time. I have my own blankey and pillow in the bird room and I sack out right on the floor. Once, Meg and Peck were having their naps atop their cages, and Peck decided to come explore and I woke up to him tugging my hair. I am so glad they all love naps!

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