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Hello from Germany

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i am a new african grey owner.


I have had an interest in these birds for years now and I have been reading alot abaut them, with the hope in one day owning one.

That day came two days ago.


My husband sent me to the store because he had off and we had a holyday her but not in the next state, where I went. All I wanted to buy was sticks and toys for the new cage that I had ordered on the internet for the parakeets that I got from a neighbor a few days before that.


I always look at the animals and saw "churchhill" (named by my husband). Looked at the cages if they had something that I found appropiate in size. I kind of prefer bigger rather than smaller.


Talking to the salesperson, there was just one problem how to get the cage home since we don't own a car. Well it would not have fitted in a car anyways.


Well, they had a driver and a big truck, which they provided for free.


A short phonecall to my husband and I bought everything that I needed for the beginning.


The cage was in parts and I had to put it together, what a act. Unfortunaltely I have to it again next week when the cage for the parakeets comes. With on advantage, since it is the same brand I kind of know not to go after the instuctions and that I have to think.


Well now I am very confused since german websites have different onformation on these birds than american websites. I guess I just have to sort though everything and try to use common sense.


When I am at home "he" is outside the cage and roams the apartment. He ( I just call it he because there was no genderdetermintion done) and I sont really care since I am not looking to breed.

Today I will go to a store to buy more toys, I am looking for toys to put food inside so he has to figure out how to get it.


However I am a little dissapointed how easy it was to buy the bird. The woman didnt ask abaut any knowledge, nothing. All I had to do was write my name and adress on a piece of paper, never even asked for ID. Not that the bird is not in good hands but she should have suggested that I go home with the cage first and come back the next day for the bird. But nothing, it was just like buying a package of cheese at the store.


But I will do my best, and I got to go now because the birds want theis breakfast.

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Welcome, this is a great forum!


It's like fate isnt it? The birds find you. I bought my first Grey in the same way. I was buying things for my little birds and there she was in her cage. And like you, the pet shop owner didnt know how much research I had done on Greys, I didnt even have to give my name!! All I had to give was money and lots of it!



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yeah I hope I can write more abaut us.


It is alot of work taking care of him. Plus the 2 kids I have.


I do hae alot of questions and I just have to figure out where to post, I hope I won't be too exhausted by tonight :-)


Do you speak german? Was kind of an unexpected surprise. Thanx


Allright, got to go, have alot of work to do.

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Welcome Ccilia5767!!


What a day at the Pet Store you had :-)


I agree with siobha9, it was surely fate, for both you and that fortunate Grey that came home with you.


Yes, they take as much of your time and attention as a human baby don't they :-)


Thanks for the nice introduction you wrote and we will look forward to your many questions and perhaps some photos when you have a chance to post them.


One question though out of curiosity, you said that the Websites over there had different information. Could you give an example of that? It would be interesting to hear what other thoughts on Grey's are around the world :-)

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well, here from what I read most stores won't sell a single parrot unless you already have one at home.


On english sites I read that 2 greys will need seperate cages and seperate outside time.


In austria I read that they actually have laws against single parrots and that you have to provide a bath for them. (I still have to figure out how to bathe Churchill- I tried in the shower today but he just wanted to play)


That is what confuses me the most, because I was hoping that I could convince my husband to the 2nd that they had at the store but since I read this I am not to sure anymore. Don't have the space for a third cage.


Well, I need to make pictures. But I am sure Churchill will be trying to take the camera. lol


Today I tried to find some toys where you can put treats in and he has to find a way how to take it out.

Couldn't find one unfortunately. Guess I will have to find time to go back to the store where I bought him at. They have a bigger selection.

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Hello and welcome to the family, Ccilia, glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Churchill.


Wow what a story of how you came to get him, and I love a good story, but glad you got a grey and now all you have to do is enjoy him for the rest of your lives.


Thanks for all the info to start out with, some of the new members don't provide a lot and it helps to get to know you better to have a little background information.


You have come to the right place if you have questions, we will be glad to answer any questions you may have and help you in any way we can. You will find lots of helpful information in our many threads on various topics here, just read thru them at your leisure for answers to some of your questions.


If you have any pictures of Churchill that you would like to share with us please do, we love to admire each other's greys.

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Welcome, Cclia - nice to have you here!

I do not have any toys where Klaus has to find the food in them. What I do is put a few of his favorite goodies into a coffee filter and twist the top up tight. He loves tearing it up and finding the food.

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  • 2 weeks later...

guten tag cclia,my husband loves germany:)well mainly the beer fests{Feel-good-0002006E}sometimes its worth checking out dog/cat toys you might find something there,also baby toys a little imagination goes a long way

love trish and babygirl-from uk{Feel-good-000200A2}

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