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I Know I`m Not Perfect

Ray P

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To day I`m putting Cricket to rest.

My wife picked out my favorite t shirt to wrap her in.

On the front it said, I Know I`m Not Perfect, but I`m So Close It Scares Me.

I wore it for about an hour before I wrapped her in it.

RIP my love.370.jpg





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I know this will be a difficult day for you, having to say goodbye to your love. But know that we will be with you at that exact moment in your heart. Give Cricket a kiss for me & Nilah.....and as far as Cricket was concerned, you were PERFECT to her. :(

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I know it is a matter of personal conviction, but I believe our beloved companions will be waiting for us on the other side. When I lose one, I believe the parting is only temporary and they will be waiting for me when I get there! Peace, Ray.

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Ray what a beautiful and loving way to lay Cricket to rest. The first feathered love of my life was my 'zon, Elliot. I owe him an incredible debt as he was such a great teacher. When he died I cried harder than at any other time of my life. My own memory of Cricket will be how you described her on your shoulder getting rides to where she wanted to go. I can't help but think that she will still be guiding you. When you feel a little breeze against your cheek or a little flutter in your heart, you will know it is Cricket.

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To have your wife together giving Cricket a touching, loving tribute is a good start to soothing your loss. You both have special memories. Your caring way of sharing your favorite shirt with the spirit of Cricket's perfection brings a smile.

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