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Puna Paradise Hybrid Bird Cage??


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current cage


was thinking of replacing wally's cage with:

Puna Paradise Hybrid Bird Cage - 42" X 26" X 61"


any of you guys have thoughts about the

Puna Paradise Hybrid Bird Cage


he always hangs out on the front of his cage, have no skirts on the bottom of it and food and poop always go on the floor.

thought the play top would keep things easier for cleaning and fun for him :cool:


never really measured the one he has now but it is huge, and I assume about the same size or a tad smaller than the puna paradise cage

(to answer BillinIndiana)




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The cage he is in now is great!! I have both cages, my timneh has the new one you are looking at and doesn't seem to use all the space, especially the shorter section. My cag & amazon both have the larger one and LOVE it! I wouldn't switch, but I definitely would put a lot more perches & toys in it, it looks pretty sparse in my opinion.

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there is lots of toys, bungies etc in his cage now, that is from when I first got him ... and I agree LOL


will try to get an updated pic ... the problem is he hangs out on the front part that opens and causes a huge mess with poops and food ...

was thinking if he hangs out on the play top, it will keep the mess to a minimum


PLUS, it's a pain to clean that cage LOL, thought the other one might be a tad easier


thanks for your feedback talon!! :D

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We have exactly the same cage you have, for our female Grey. I personally hate it, but my husband loves it. I think it has too much vertical space and not enough horizontal space, as she does not use the bottom half of it. The cage you are considering looks like exactly the same picture as this: http://www.wayfair.com/AandE-Cage-Co.-Small-Split-Level-House-Bird-Cage-with-Divider-PC-4226D-AEC1021.html which is about $100 cheaper. They are out of stock at the moment but expect them back in by 7/8/14. We own two of those, not for Greys but for a cockatiel/sun conure pair, and a family of four green cheeked conures. I love them. Easy to clean, divider is removable, and the swing out doors latch well but are still easy to open. Not crazy about the play top but no one here uses it as the cages are in their 'bedroom' and their out time is in a dedicated play room. As for the cage you have now, Megan loves that "veranda" on her cage. We put a locking crock bowl on the front up near the veranda and we put a throw rug in front of the cage to catch poo and food. (Someday all the floors will be hard flooring... oh I cannot wait!).

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