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A First -- red letter day :)


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HRH Inara has been really enjoying our flight training sessions and for the past couple of weeks has been doing some very short, independent flights. This morning, however, she literally took off! We had had breakfast, she had been perched at the kitchen window to look for The Squirrel, she had flown the short distance from her window perch over to the counter top, and she had ordered me to "get the water, get the cookies (she calls all dry food 'cookies')" -- which is our usual morning routine, after which I walk her to her home, she roams around on its top while I clean it and replace the papers, etc. and then when that is done, we do about 45 mins or so of recall training (which she loves!).


This morning, I realized that I had forgotten to change her 2nd water dish (the one she likes to bathe in), so while she was roaming around on the top of her cage, I took the dish and told her I'd be right back, and I went into the kitchen. Within a couple of seconds of my being out of sight in the kitchen, I heard the whir of wings and the flutter of a landing -- and there she was, happy as a clam having just flown all the way across the house and successfully completing a landing on the kitchen floor. This is a big deal, considering that when she came to live with us at 2 years old she had no idea how to fly or that her wings even belonged to her.


Its been clear for the past few months that she has the main floor plan mapped out in her head, but she never would venture very far at all on her own. Today was a red tailed day!

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Congratulations!!! That is so good to hear! It is so amazing when they finally realize they are birds.


I have noticed a huge difference between our babies who were never clipped and Peck and Alex. Peck at least caught on fast. I suspect he may have flown as a young bird in Africa. Alex did not even flap when he fell. It took MONTHS of training to teach him to fly because of this.


It won't be long and Inara will be going all over the house as she gains more and more confidence in her ability to fly and land.

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How wonderful! My heart soared for both of you with this latest experience that you have shared with us. I'm cheering Inara on with all her flight training, I'm sure it will inevitably lead to more special moments together for both of you!

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Congratulations! Now do a safety check. Ceiling fans off... check. Electric outlets plugged...check. Putting on underliner.. no check! LOL! Whenever I put on eye makeup, Sophie flies in more times than not and lands on me.You can imagine my outcome! Nancy


Hehe, that's funny! Mar used to "help" me put on my makeup. And I proudly wore it to work. My PNAs (nurse aides) and patients would give me funny looks and I would just explain "I let my two year old put my make up on today." ;) Yes, flighted birds make life SO much more interesting.

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