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Colors and the bird reaction. My AG seems to love the color yellow above and beyond al the other colors. It adapts to yellow on it perch and toys especially. Is there any reason for this.. If i put a red toy in the cage, he doesn't respond bit with yellow he loves...


just thought I'd like to share that..


also.. are there any related articles or write-ups on this subject?



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Greys respond to different colors. Depends upon the bird. There's nothing scientific about it. In a bowl full of colored pellets the bird might eat the blue ones first and discard the red ones or just eat the red ones last. Same thing applies to toys (colored wood blocks). Might intensely chew a yellow one and leave the green one alone.

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Guest briansmum

yes they do respond to colour and can destinguish between different shades of the same colour. brian doesn't like bright yellow things (oddly enough it's yellow) he's ok with them after a while but at first he does his 'im a big strong puffy bird' routine at them. if it's pale yellow he's fine. but it took him ages before he sat on his yellow concrete perch :lol:

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Hmmmmm, I haven't noticed a color preference. Guess I'll get the Legos out and check each color on Dayo and see. This is an interesting topic. It almost sounds as if they are like humans that have a favorite color.


I do know, Dayo does not like Spiked hair or Halloween masks, he will scream at both of them.


My grandchildren came over and I have never heard Dayo scream as loud as he did, when one had on a horrible looking Halloween Mask :woohoo: I must say though, Dayo scared my grandson so badly, he took that mask off in about 1/100th of a second :side:

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