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8 years old today


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Happy 8 year old Hatchday to Josey today, she is a happy girl who is getting along nicely with both of us, she prefers me most of the time but loves to go over and sit with hubby in the evenings as he watches tv. She doesn't like my other two birds but they all tolerate each other as long as there is a little space between them, no fights have broken out so they can all be out at the same time. She is gonna chow down on some watermelon and cantaloupe as special treats today as she loves to suck the juice out of them. She is my special girl though I love all my fids the same but we all know greys hold a precious piece of our hearts, love you Josey as always. :);)

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Happy birthday Josey! Ive known you on the forums since you were just a baby . I have always enjoyed hearing about you, and I know you are one of the few fids here who hasn't bit your mommy! You are to be commended! Make mommy spoil you rotten today! As I know she will!!


P.S. Talon says ask for popcorn too, that way you can toss it all over the house and watch mommy spend lots of time with that noisy vacume!! Don't want her to get lazy !

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Happy Hatchday, Josey! Hey, I'm a bit late to the party, but knowing what a softie your Momz is, I bet you can keep the party going on into June if you play your cards right :D Wishing you a year filled with frolics, treats, toys, scritches, cuddles and all the happiness your feathered heart can hold.

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