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Made a quick new toy


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Fantastic! It looks very inviting! I was at bird store today, I can usually get in and get out and not look at new birds, but today, they were busy. Saw a rose breasted baby born in March.... OMG! I have always wanted one! Damn... the baby liked me! I encouraged biting but baby was having none of it.( just kidding!) the baby really did like me though. I am going to remain strong... NO MORE animals or birds. I continue to miss my Zoey girl and will never again have a new dog or bird. Nancy

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How many pet birds do you have? I think we all have been in this or will be in this situation. One just cannot stop at one. Once you are hooked you are hooked. I wish I could have one of everything and almost ended up with that many.

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I have a grey and rescued sunconure. I Lost kiki our amazon last summer. I HAD two dogs, but Zoey died eight weeks ago, and I am still struggling with my loss. I am trying to remain strong and not get another dog.It would be just a new friend for Ollie and I know right now my heart is closed so if Ollie is ok....i'm not willing to open my home to another dog. Maybe getting another bird might be okay. A new baby doesn't need me, but maybe a rescue in the future. Nancy

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