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pvc and my bird


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I didn't use any glue on th PVC gym we made for Nikko. We had to use a rubber mallet to pound the pipes into the connectors, so no glue was needed.


Initially, we wrapped the perching areas with cohesive bandaging, but over time it became sticky and ucky and had to be replaced. I eventually got tired of it and came up with a new method. We wrapped the perching areas with hemp rope, and then my mom made fabric "perch cozies" to go over them. They're held on by velcro, so when Nikko gets them dirty, we take them off and wash them.

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cohesive bandaging - is that vet wrap?


just wondering because i heard vet wrap was the thing to use. but if it leaves behind a residue then i can see why it wouldn't be what you want.


i like the idea of wrapping it with rope. do you drill a hole in the pipe and make a knot to get the wrapping started?

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Yes, cohesive bandaging is vet wrap. The wrap that was underneath the "perch cozies" became hard and brittle, and the wrap that was exposed became sticky. I had to use rubbing alcohol to get the residue off the PVC. Soap and water just didn't do it.


We used a little glue to hold the hemp rope to the PVC. Since it's covered with a cozy (the hemp underneath is for grip and comfort), she can't get to it. As long as the glue is non-toxic, it doesn't matter anyway. Just make sure your bird isn't in the room while it's drying because of the fumes.


I'll post some pictures of Nikko's gym later today.

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All but the last picture are old pictures of the gym. I've since replaced the 6 perches with natural wood branches, and replaced the vet wrap with perch cozies (see the thread and more pictures at http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/38204-perch-cozies.html ).
















CozyGym.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/11/07 04:14

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