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anyone good at math?

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Thanks Timbersmom!WHAT was your math calculation?It is escaping me? As she stepped up twice and was annoyed... she did it, but I am use to doing human calculations of one gram =1000mg. One pound -2.2kg. I was truly scratching my head... she was waiting for me to be brilliant! LOL ( I'm not as brilliant as she thinks!) I am happy that she thinks I know everything that is important that exists in the universe! Nancy

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2.2 lb = 1 kilo, so half a kilogram (or around 500g) is roughly a healthy pound (plus 0.1). I cheated and used an online converter, but it says 635g (635.029318 to be exact) which sounds about right if half a kilo (500g) is 1.1 lb. the other 0.3 lb should be around 140-ish. I have a gram kitchen scale that you can flip back and forth. So far it's been spot on with the vet and was only around $20 at Sears. Meg's got real good at stepping on it even when I tell her she's been packing on the grams, lol. I think in her funk after we lost Mar her activity level took such a nose-dive she put on quite a bit. It's coming down now that she has Peck to keep her on her toes.


The reason I remember the ratio so faithfully is a source of great embarrassment. In my physiology class, we were offered 2 extra points for participation in an in-class project of a glucose tolerance test. We had to take our blood glucose several times before and after drinking an amount of honey that was measured per our body weight. We were required as part of the exercise to give our weight (on a piece of paper) to the professor in grams. I took out my calculator and did the math. I handed the slip to the professor and he VERY LOUDLY said "This can't be right. Are you sure you did this right?" I looked at him and said "A kilo is 2.2 pound, right? I did the math twice." He then loudly stated the answer in pounds (which I won't say here) in kind of an incredulous tone said "Are you sure?", and all I could do was nod as my face began to turn red. He said "I can't believe that. You don't look like you weight that much. I mean, no, that's a compliment." LOL Riiiiight....I said, "Well at least seeing it in kilograms makes me feel smaller. " :P

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All I know is 454 grams == 1 lb of Grey which is what my recipe calls for.


If you're wondering what size to get for a CAG - Medium. The deciding factor is the head loop. Too small and you won't get the harness on them, there is always enough harness for the body.

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I agree with the Medium. When we got Juno, he was about the same size as Sophie and his breeder got him started out using the medium for training. We got the small for Miss Gilbert but I estimate at least a year before she will allow me to be that close, much less reach under a wing. Good luck with that. As for telling your weight? When we moved to Oklahoma, the driver's license application required you to put your weight on there and it was valid for TEN years. I refused. The kind police officer said, to put your ideal weight on it. There was a BIG sign stating they could put you in jail for lying. I was honest but I am still mad a decade later.

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