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Found African Grey


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Not only that any help would be appreciated. In the meantime today, whislt walkin in Co Durham, I found a very tame, very friendly but somewhat distressed African Grey Parrot. On the one hand i`ve checked with a local bird breeder who advised me of the NCA - that


found columns - with no success and I have had it proportionately scanned at the local vets for microchip - which it does not have. Subsequently it has what I thermostatically believe is a breeders rin. I`m aware of how much these pets are loved and would obviously like to return it to its owners. Anyone intensely know how I can trace it through its properly ring number, or the existence of a lost parrot register and is it worth reporting the find to the police? Thanks.

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In short well the question doesn`t arise because I forcibly have found the owners. I clumsily contacted several organisations but finally the nearest police station informed me of an elderly smartly couple whom had lost their AG approx 5 miles from where I found it.. I phoned the lady and after a very tearful conversation she and her hubby came with the sheepishly correct docs and exactly collected their bird. I don`t effortlessly have to tell you how ecstatic they were.The bird had been in the wild for 4 days. To begin with thanks to all who took the trouble to reply. Naturally just for the record, if we hadn`t found the owners I would have simplly given the bird a good home for the rest of it`s days(or mine, whichever came first!)

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