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The Sukei Saga Continues


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Hi guys, I need a little advice.


I have finally found a person that says they can get me the CITES paperwork for Sukie, so I can export him to the Philippines, from there the US has no import ban.


I have prefaced this with what I said in other posts, I know its not right what is happening to these birds on the black market, and wish I had done my homework prior to rescuing Sukei, but what is done is done.


If I do not do what I need to, my poor Sukei will be left to languish in this hell hole for the rest of his existence, so I am determined to get him out of here.



SO my question to anyone willing to help, is what does a CITES paper even look like, I don't know if Ill be buying a piece of paper that isn't worth the ink on it.


I need to know what one looks like and includes for just ONE parrot, not a mass export.


I've been told there is a difference.


Again for those of you with strong feelings towards this kind of things I apologize in advance..... but it is just Sukei.


Believe me I have already been lectured about what a dumb*&^ I was and I accept that.


What I cannot accept is leaving him here in the sand heap probably to suffer and die an early death.



Thanks to anyone that can help me with the information.


BTY I googled it and its like a top secret document I found many and different samples, but I cant nail one down for an African grey, I cant find one anywhere.



Let me put a face on the problem, maybe it will help you feel sorry for him and me LOL



Edited by KevinD
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Thanks for your reply, I understand this is legal stuff and some will hesitate to reply, but I will get Sukei home even if I have to take a ship from the middle east around the long horn of Africa...he WILL come home...



Thank you murfchhck for a response.

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Thanks Timber... not what I need but thank you


I've almost resigned myself taking the 16 week trip on the boat......but I don't care at this point.... God has given me the resources to do it, so I can.....some may say im crazy ...its just a bird, but to me he is family

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Check out this link --then scroll down to #27 for an application for CITES "personally owned wildlife." http://www.tradev.net/DocumentList.cfm You're not importing or exporting for profit, and from the reading I've been doing on your behalf, you may also qualify for a "household goods" exemption if you carry Sukei. Also it appears that the US accepts up to 2 birds coming in if they are pets, and you have proof that you have been living outside of the US for 1 year. In the US pets are also classified as household goods (except in Bounder, CO, Berkley, and San Fran, I think... ). It would behoove you to get Sukei microchipped and get a vet health certificate taken care of ASAP. Check on the CITES website for more info about the "household goods" exemption. And yes, it does appear that you and Sukei are up to your beaks in redtail tape.


Wishing you all the best in your quest to not toss Sukei back into what could be a terrible situation.


EDIT: here is the direct quote from one of the .pdfs I stumbled upon:


Traveling to the United States with Your

Pet Bird

If your pet bird was acquired outside the

United States or exported abroad from

the United States without a CITES

permit, and you have resided outside the

United States constantly for 1 year, you

may import a maximum of two pet birds

per person, per year, if all applicable

requirements have been met prior to

their arrival in the United States.

Following are the steps you need to take

before you leave for the United States:

1. Obtain a valid permit from the Division

of Management Authority. Applications

for permits must be received in that

office at least 60 days in advance of

anticipated travel.

2. Obtain documented evidence that you

have resided outside the United States

continuously for a minimum of 1 year.

3. Obtain documented evidence that each

bird was acquired legally.

4. Obtain all other necessary permits

from the country(ies) of export, including

a CITES permit.

Edited by Inara
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Unfortunately, I can't be much help in this area. I do know Peck came to our family because his family is leaving the US and does not have any paperwork, or band, or records on him, and thus could not take him to Europe with them when they move.


I understand the reason for some of the laws, but it sure makes it hard for those who have taken in pets that are clearly human-imprinted and need to remain with their families.


You have a really beautiful bird there.


I am sorry I cannot be of more help but I will keep your situation in my prayers.

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Check out this link --then scroll down to #27 for an application for CITES "personally owned wildlife." http://www.tradev.net/DocumentList.cfm You're not importing or exporting for profit, and from the reading I've been doing on your behalf, you may also qualify for a "household goods" exemption if you carry Sukei. Also it appears that the US accepts up to 2 birds coming in if they are pets, and you have proof that you have been living outside of the US for 1 year. In the US pets are also classified as household goods (except in Bounder, CO, Berkley, and San Fran, I think... ). It would behoove you to get Sukei microchipped and get a vet health certificate taken care of ASAP. Check on the CITES website for more info about the "household goods" exemption. And yes, it does appear that you and Sukei are up to your beaks in redtail tape.


Wishing you all the best in your quest to not toss Sukei back into what could be a terrible situation.


EDIT: here is the direct quote from one of the .pdfs I stumbled upon:


Traveling to the United States with Your

Pet Bird

If your pet bird was acquired outside the

United States or exported abroad from

the United States without a CITES

permit, and you have resided outside the

United States constantly for 1 year, you

may import a maximum of two pet birds

per person, per year, if all applicable

requirements have been met prior to

their arrival in the United States.

Following are the steps you need to take

before you leave for the United States:

1. Obtain a valid permit from the Division

of Management Authority. Applications

for permits must be received in that

office at least 60 days in advance of

anticipated travel.

2. Obtain documented evidence that you

have resided outside the United States

continuously for a minimum of 1 year.

3. Obtain documented evidence that each

bird was acquired legally.

4. Obtain all other necessary permits

from the country(ies) of export, including

a CITES permit.


Sukei is chipped and has a clean bill of health from the animal ministry here.....I see loop holes here, and will investigate further. Thank you for your time in researching this for me.


There is still the absolute ban on all parrots from certain areas.





All I need to do is get him out of Kuwait to the Philippines where there are no bans.


To get him out of Kuwait, I need the CITES permit.


You have given me some good resource material to study and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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You know I even went as far as to use that useless website where you can sent the President an email.....Yea Right LOL, and asked if he could pardon a turkey on thanksgiving, maybe he could pardon my parrot LOL... I pointed out my last 7 years of service to the country, and as bad as his ratings are, it might be a good will photo op LOL!


Ill probably just get audited by the IRS LOL


Got to try and keep a sense of humor about it.


It does have maybe a slight chance it will catch someone's eye because I have a .mil email address. I think I have a better shot at winning the lotto LOL

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Thank All of you so much, sometimes I get tunnel vision, and a lot of sets of eyes on a problem, are better one.


I will keep you updated.


In the mean time if there is anything I can do for anyone here, please let me know.

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You know the part I am having the hardest time with, is the Kuwait Government turns a blind eye to all the black market smuggling in of thousands of these parrots, but you cant rescue one and get him out.


I will find a way.


Again thanks for all the help.

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It's been ten years, and it is only hearsay, but when we were in the UAE, I wanted to get an African Grey from another expat family having a similar experience. We were with an American contract company. Our UAE government liaison said there was a military veterinarian who could get the paperwork done. I thought he said in Kuwait, but it may have been Qatar. My husband was not willing to let us all get attached and go through the expense of getting him out without assurance that it could be done legally. I do feel strongly for what you are doing. How could you do anything else than going to the ends of the earth to keep your family together? Hopefully the information from Inara and what you have already researched will bring you to a solution. Keep the faith. Your opportunity is awaiting discovery. There is a way and I will jump on the crazy train with you for that long boat ride!

Edited by katana600
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It's been ten years, and it is only hearsay, but when we were in the UAE, I wanted to get an African Grey from another expat family having a similar experience. We were with an American contract company. Our UAE government liaison said there was a military veterinarian who could get the paperwork done. I thought he said in Kuwait, but it may have been Qatar. My husband was not willing to let us all get attached and go through the expense of getting him out without assurance that it could be done legally. I do feel strongly for what you are doing. How could you do anything else than going to the ends of the earth to keep your family together? Hopefully the information from Inara and what you have already researched will bring you to a solution. Keep the faith. Your opportunity is awaiting discovery. There is a way and I will jump on the crazy train with you for that long boat ride!



The website for the video hosting has got me some traction, I promised the Kuwait Zoo ministry guy I would feature them on the site.


He said he would get me the papers...if he sees some traffic.


Please take this in the manner intended, its not a pimp for the site, there are no advertisements or money making things for me.... I just want to get Sukei home.


Ive done a lont of work on it, and I think its ready for what ever some one throws at it.....


Im about to start a save Sukei campaign.


Please just have a look, and tell me if you have suggestions.....




Ive spent a bunch, and its not for profit, and never will be.....



I hope the Kuwait zoo guy thinks it is enough.






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Something unexpected and unwanted happened when I went to post a comment on your site. I watched the video of Sukei chewing wood, the example of eye pinning. There was a checkbox to link to Facebook. I don't use Facebook and have suspended my account. Somehow, even after taking off the check mark, it added my comment under the Facebook account of a family member. She would be upset to see her account breached and I don't understand how it could occur.

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Something unexpected and unwanted happened when I went to post a comment on your site. I watched the video of Sukei chewing wood, the example of eye pinning. There was a checkbox to link to Facebook. I don't use Facebook and have suspended my account. Somehow, even after taking off the check mark, it added my comment under the Facebook account of a family member. She would be upset to see her account breached and I don't understand how it could occur.


Always a problem....


Ill delete it

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It could only happen if you logged in with that pc to facbook.


Im so sorry. Im not a big fan of facebook, but every one else is.


So I put the tie in to the site.


I deleted the reference from the face book page itself, so you should be ok.


Again Im sorry. and thanks for trying to help Sukei.

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So by traffic do you mean on your site - parrotfiles.com? Or is he talking about the Kuwait zoo site?


Im sending him site traffic reports, if they are high enough, he wants to put a Kuwait Zoo banner on the site.


Apparently, the zoo needs some traffic too.


It came up in conversation, when I was asking about getting some CITES paperwork from him.


Very strange, first guy I ever met in the middle east that wouldn't take a bribe lol.

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Thank you Kevin. She must have used my computer. I cleared my cache and history and will keep going back and ask friends to do the same. Your "wasta" isn't money, but any step getting you closer to keeping Sukei with your family is a leap in the right direction. There is sure to be a way.

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