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A little Jake Update


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Jake has really started to open up and form a deeper bond with his flock. The other morning my own vanity was put into check. I stayed home Friday to have dental work done and so I slept in, when time for my son to go to school he uncovered Jake like he does every morning. Immediately Jake starts whistling and saying hello. Silly me assumed that he understood my schedule was off and that i should go play with him. Instead I stayed in the bed... and was amazed that once my son closed the door on his way out to school that Jake immediately stopped all sounds. It was like a switch had been flipped, and I was put in my place. I'm so happy that Jake accepts my loud, rambunctious, and impulsive child as a member of the flock. What's more Jake has started letting my son pick him up when he decides to go on a flight around the house.


Then the other night he was crawling all over my shoulders and across my chest when he lost his grip and started to fall. Instead of taking off in a panicked flight as he has done on other occasions; he flipped down into the crook of my arm without biting obviously trusting that I would catch him.


And as if that isn't enough tonight Jake was on his swing chattering after some enthusiastic self propelled swinging. I went into the kitchen to prep my coffee for the morning. Of course I hear Jake take off flying which has become a regular thing so I didn't turn around, just kept on at the counter. Imagine my surprise when he landed on my shoulder! I still have a hard time believing it, he's landed all over the place here but never on a person!


Hard to believe that a little bundle of feathers can entwine himself so completely into our lives.

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This is such great news. I love that he fell into your arms. I bet he had a look like "I meant to do that". There is nothing like the feeling of him landing on your shoulder to watch or rather direct you in "doing things right." I hope to get there one day with Miss Gilbert. For Jake to get closer to your son as well as to you is a good sign you are doing well together. Thanks for the update.

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The relationship is evolving... and it does just get better and better! Sophie goes now to all my kids. She is insane when they come home, waiting at the door. She met them when they were six and nine. In college now. They both skype with her weekly, and when they come home.... look out! She is all over them! She is like the younger sister they never had.

It was important for me when Sophie came home, for the kids to understand how important she was. They were babysitters at first... their relationship evolved as I knew it would. Phone call after phone call about Sophie. The calls became less as their relationship evolved, eventually... no calls at all. It actually was a " loss for me", kids didn't need me anymore, nor did Sophie. She had two new friends. Nancy

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Thanks everyone! This little bundle of feathers keeps me cracking up with his antics, he definitely has down pat shaking his head no when I ask him to do something he doesn't want to. Interestingly enough although he doesn't say many newer phrases he has started to "talk" in a elderly male voice. It isn't anything I can understand, it sounds kind of like when someone is calling out to you from another room... almost like a name or single word but warbled. He also loves to burp and wooooo!!!!


I do have to say I feel so bad for the hubs, he suffers getting bitten almost every day (many times breaking the skin) and yet he still tries to talk and spend time with Jake. He does take great pleasure in getting Jake riled up by playing with his toys on the cage play top. So he might be "asking" for a correction from Jake on occasion ;)

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