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Oatmeal Grey Humor


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The whole time I was transfixed by the horrors this poor bird endured, I have to admit I laughed. I laughed til I snorted and had tears running down my face. On that one particularly bad day after a bone crunching, fingernail piercing bite, I wanted to write something purely wicked about her. Thank goodness that moment passed, but this brought it back again.

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OMG I read this with Mistyparrot sitting on my shoulder. :eek: I am preying he was asleep and not also reading it (I don't actually know that he can't read. He is full of surprises! )

I don't want him to get any ideas that Greys can be truly powerful!:D


Steve and Misty

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When I forwarded this link to my husband and kids, they laughed and replied they had seen it, thought of Gilbert and wanted to forward it to me but didn't want to let on THIS is what they thought of Gilbert and had a completely different version of how I perceived my delicate little "snowflake" from my rapidly approaching dementia and off the charts "empty nest syndrome" state of denial. I'm glad we can laugh as we evolve and offer grace and forgiveness for Miss G-Bird to do the same.

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