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Hi all, I'm Victoria and as of today am owned by Floyd. I picked up what I thought was a 14 year old Congo Grey but after looking at his band, it's got the year of 1970 on it. When his previous owner bought him, they were told he was 12 and weren't familiar with reading the band. If I'm correct that the year means his DOB, then I am blessed to be able to give this 44 year old guy a forever home. We instantly bonded when I saw him. He tried to "feed" me right after I offered my hand to hold him. He seems to be settling in well. Any info on making him more at home is welcome. I'm not a new bird owner but haven't had one in the house for a few years.

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Wow - a 44 yo Grey - what a gift, you are certainly blessed. Welcome to the Grey Forums. Would love to see some pictures of the mature Grey. They don't require more than a good home with an attentive 'owner' (I hate that word applied to Greys, maybe Parront is better). I'm guessing Victoria Canada?

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We have been looking for sometime and hadn't come across the one that tugged at my heart. I saw a listing yesterday on Craigslist and contacted them. It went from there...I picked him and accessories up and now have him situated and hopefully comfortable. He doesn't seem to stressed, he sat on the back of the couch preening my hair before he burped in my ear (something he's learned).

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Hi Victoria and welcome! It's unlikely that your new companion is 44 years old :) Bands don't necessarily state birth year and can be misleading. There is no standardization and each breeder has his/her own codes that they put on the band. It's likely that your new guy really is 14 and that you have many, many, many more years ahead of you to enjoy together. Sure is a handsome grey, and so delighted for you both for finding one another! YAY!!!

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Welcome and thanks for joining us. For him to "choose" you and sit next to you preening your hair is such a good sign. He is well adjusted and has been dearly loved. He is lucky to have found you and to be developing a fondness already. Great job on finding him and recognizing a treasure. You will have a lot of years in companionship together. It is going to be delightful to hear all his stories as he unpacks and settles into your home.

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