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Bubba escaped from his cage last night during dinner.


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Poor little girl! " hydro therapy", sounds like some kind of physical therapy. Let us know the details! Nancy


http://www.woodcroftvets.com/about-us/advanced-services/hydrotherapy/ I have long heard of its use with dogs, never with birds. This site had some good pictures of what the equipment (for dogs) looks like. I would be very interested to see pictures of the bird set up. I assume the theory is the same as with dogs (and humans) - working against the resistance of the water helps increase effectiveness of the therapy.

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Funny thought, humor does help us navigate our way through all the stress they give us. Hydro therapy also aids in keeping the wound clean of debris like dead skin and the moisture helps with the flexibility of the healing site as well.

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Yup. 2 x's a day for one week. So for a bird we will have to hold her over a sink and spray her foot softly like she is by a jet in a hot tub. So I guess I wasn't too far off of my vision. Lol. Said she is healing nicely and that in a week if she still won't use it he wants xrays to see if it is broken. However even if it is, the way she holds it will allow it to heal normally. She is an A+ patient.

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Had our recheck yesterday. She is doing really good considering. The doc was able to feel her foot for any breaks and said nothing stood out to him. He did say it could be her tendon so he wants her back in a few weeks to check her progress. We are to continue hydro therapy and her meds until we run out. We actually forgot her therapy on Sunday as our day was out of whack so she took it upon herself all day yesterday to do her own therapy by getting in her water bowl and splashing around. I had to put water in her bowl 3 times yesterday until Pat got home to do it for her in the sink. lol, she is just so cute. When they took her to back for her exam she said "I'll be right back, bye" When they brought her back to me she made the heavy sigh noise and said "all right", as we left she said "Okay, see ya later". While waiting to check out, their phone rang and Cotay had a complete phone conversation including the dialing of the phone and hanging up of the phone. She just talked her butt off yesterday! She must be feeling a little better.

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Haha, I am a dope. She wasn't doing her own therapy... somehow there is a hole in the water bowl. It was empty again this morning. Not sure how a metal bowl like that gets a hole. Oh well so much for my smarty pants girl. Lol

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  • 3 weeks later...

Set back, her foot started bleeding again last night. Not sure what happened, if she bit it when she was opening her nut or if the glue just popped. We went right to the sink and washed it off then it looked like cloudy white film was coming off (glue?) We packed it and the bleeding stopped but then she started picking at it so we washed it off again and held her until we were sure there was no more bleeding. She actually wanted her mommy over daddy, yeah! Checked on her during the night and all was good but will be doing some drop ins today while working just to be sure during the active day time that it doesn't open up again. Pat is off early today so that will be good. Her follow up is Monday but we may go today just in case. I don't want anything happening over the weekend.

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Yeah, you def don't want something happening over the weekend. Hope all is ok.

Agreed, since it is so close to her follow-up anyway, better safe than sorry. Am sure it will all turn out well. X-ing fingers.

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I'm not liking " the cloudy white film". Not the glue Possibly a pocket of puss? Whats the temperature of the foot? Compare the two. Extra warm on affected foot is a sign of abscess. Swelling or not? If it is reinfected, ask vet if they leave drain in or not. I would rather the vet leave a drain in and change the dressings daily. Tough though... as your bird would pull it in a heartbeat! Just the nurse in me that deals with abscesses on a daily basis. Nancy

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I appears to have only been the glue. She may have bit it when eating her nut and pulled causing the skin to rip some but all is good in Cotays world again. Her little toe looks better than it has in a while and she seems to able to move it some. Her toes were actually glued together and now they are not so she is free to move them around! She is a little sore but that would be expected.

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The milky film was like a scab, it came off and now the toe is just like any other toe, except it doesn't work. :-( He took the nail down really short so she won't snag it on anything and we go back in 3 weeks. In a few days we start the hydro therapy again and then we wait to see what happens. He has suggested that if she doesn't start using it again, that we think about amputating it so she does not further injure herself with a floppy toe. I am trying not to think that right now, just that it will get better and that she isn't using it because it is sore. That is my plan and I am sticking to it!

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