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Merlin the Rescue Has Come Home!


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Hey everyone,

Just want you all to know Merlin was able to come home a couple nights ago and we are thrilled! He is eating on his own and being SPOILED with home cooking to continue fattening him up. The vet says it does indeed look as if he has suffered a stroke from not being fed. Just like human stroke victims, he is weak and shaky and that may never go away. That's okay, because he is the snuggliest Grey I have ever encountered- he sits with me as long as I let him for scritching and kisses. He doesn't say much, makes some cool noises and that's about it. I've always dreamed of owning a "perfect" Grey, but I guess this fellow needed me more!

Thanks again for all your kind words and prayers to help me and Merlin through the rough times. Please private message me if you have any good bird recipes to help him pack on the grams!:P

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So happy you have him with you. He wll turn out to be the best grey ever. Hopefully, he will gain weight and strength and the effects of the stroke will not be severe. Just feed him anything and everything he will eat (except for the bad foods of course). I am so happy he is home with you.<br><br>Post edited by: radar, at: 2007/11/02 13:46

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Congratulations Stephanka!!!


You are such a wonderful person for rescuing and providing such a loving and caring home for Merlin. :-)


It sounds like the two of you are already on the path to a great loving friendship for life, that you will both reap much joy and satisfaction from.


We'll look forward to hearing how he is progressing and gaining his strength and and self dignity back.

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Hi, I read your post and was so glad to know that Merlin is with you.

My Chaco who is 3 yrs old was a very bad eater until the age of 2!

She couldn't eat dry food on her own.

Every morning and night I had to have pellet (Kaytee fruit blend for cockatiels) soaked in hotwater and feed her from my hand.


If I didn't prepare her food like this she was losing weight!!and I used to feel so awful about it.


Hope Merlin becomes a happy eater soon!!!


Rikki and Chaco:kiss:

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Coming from someone that has 2 rescued Greys, it's a total slap in the face to hear someone say they wanted a "perfect" Grey.....as if having a bird with quirks makes them less favorable. There is no such thing, even babies can have issues. Both my Greys have phenomenal personalities, mostly because I think they have seen the very worst, and know that they will never see it again. Sorry if I'm being overly sensitive, I just don't think that was the best wording.<br><br>Post edited by: loviechick, at: 2007/11/02 20:26

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that is wonderful news!


and i'm a rescue mum as well and each of our little knuckleheads are perfect. perfect fit for us, perfect fit for them.


i do know what you mean by "perfect" and i appreciate your use of the "". because so-called "perfect" and reality so very seldom connect.


thanks for hanging in there for your merlin and i hope you have many happy years of discovery together!

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