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train parrot -moon


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First off, your english is perfectly fine. Even if it wasn't, everyone would still understand you clearly. Second, your training techiques are very varied such with a clicker and without. I can tell yiou for a fact that not many people can do what you've done. Third, you seem like very young person and yet, you seem to have a great knowledge of how a parrot thinks. Most people would disagree with letting a bird free fly but in your cse I can see that your bird only has the great desire to come back you. What you're doing is very siimilar to the specialists that train predatory birds such as eagle, falcons and owls. Congratulations on a job well done.

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Yes. I am 26 years old. very young. I started keeping a parrot and train them 2.5 years ago. unfortunately I do not have water in the center of discussions about parrots. nor does the book say about them. I tried to search for information, clips on youtube and some world wide web, ... and learn a lot from people. I hope can learn so much more

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