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Equal Time

Ray P

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Cricket has been with us now for 5 1/2 years

In the early years when Corky was out of her cage Cricket would wait quietly in her cage until I took her out.

Corky is the number One bird and had first out privilege for about 30 min. to an hour be for Cricket came out.

Well over the last 5 1/2 years that has changed to the point that as soon as Cricket hears Corky cage latch on her cage she starts to yell at me to let her out.

Corky no longer has that special time any more as Cricket wants equal time to be with us.

This dose not seam to bother Corky at all as they each are with my wife or my self. Cricket will not take a back seat on time out of cage.

It`s good that they can be out together and take turns being with the wife or me. Its seams that they know how to share.

It`s also good one on one time as they go back and forth between the two of us.

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Louie, BF zon, is a true gentleman. He is always last. His choice. Louie is now 6. Although I cannot touch him without a bite. He comes out of his cage and goes into it without too much trouble. He loves to follow me from room to room. I believe all you have to do is see that your Amazon knows what you want and they do their darndest to oblige and if you will just watch and listen they will show you want they need in return.


Equal time, no, everyone gets time in Louie's mind. One at a time. Parrots are all different just like people, all you have to do is pay attention. I believe, they try to understand their human owners so we need to oblige them as well.

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Very interesting thread! Equal time in my house goes like this: since Talon came first and she is the only one with a sleep cage which has always been in my bedroom, she is always first out in the am, then downstairs to get Rikki next as she was next in the flock, then Nilah immediately after.


The same routine at night. Afer work and on days off, all 3 are always let out. They are allowed to perch all over me when they want until bedtime.

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There is no equal time at our house. Both cages can be open all day with neither Gilbert nor Java having any interest in coming out. Sometimes they go to the play top but basically play alone in parallel to the other with little interaction. I will go get Java and bring her to my shoulder to go sew with me or like now while I am on the computer she is on my lap getting a scratch or a kiss. Gilbert wants no part of coming to me but it makes her really mad to see Java getting that attention.

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