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body language decoder?

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What is beyond her that she can see? She doesn't appear frightened or upset. Is there any type of food, or activity behind you that takes place at about that time every night? Since she knows how to go out of her cage, that doesn't seem to be an issue. I would take a look around and see what if anything has her attention off behind you at that time of night, and see if there is any pattern. Also, what is going on before she begins, and how long does it last? :)

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I agree. She does want YOU to come get her, but she is questioning her thoughts. The trust is going thru her head. Open the door as you do, start playing some amazing games in front of her. ( board games with family). Ignore her when she progresses to the door. Just say Hi. Do this nightly. Let her see her family having so much fun without her. She won't last! At least it worked with Sophie adopted at age two. Nancy

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I agree. She does want YOU to come get her, but she is questioning her thoughts. The trust is going thru her head. Open the door as you do, start playing some amazing games in front of her. ( board games with family). Ignore her when she progresses to the door. Just say Hi. Do this nightly. Let her see her family having so much fun without her. She won't last! At least it worked with Sophie adopted at age two. Nancy

How long did it take her to "come around"? Bella has started striking at me if I reach to try to touch her. Unless it's her idea and she wants scratches. It's not often, but it melts my heart when she does!

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It took Sophie 48 hours to come down off her door when we played games in front of her. Adopted at age 2. Remember, all birds are different. Relax.... don't let your bird set the pace with nervousness! Open the door... encourage bird to come to the door. Plop down and read a good book, I suggest Dr. Seuss, anything that rymes. Be consistent. If you match " high anxiety for the same", no progress will be met. Nancy

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