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IN need of right wing TAG feathers


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I am going to get my TAG timmy's right wing imped. He come to me with a terrible clip, 10 flights on each wing, 8 feathers in on left wing no problem but he keeps breaking them on his right wing. We are back to having none on the right wing. Our vet is willing to imp in feathers if I have at least 2 complete sets of the rignt flight feathers from another TAG.....Your help would be so much appreciated thanks in advance to any who could help us.

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I believe we have some threads in the Health Room about imping. I wish your tag luck if this is something that is really necessary. Would it not be just as well to let new feathers grow in on their own?


We have tried but with no support from surrounding feathers he has broken 2 blood feathers and at least 4 other flights on that right wing, so I am worried that this may be what is required I don't want him to hurt himself from being so off balance.

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We have tried but with no support from surrounding feathers he has broken 2 blood feathers and at least 4 other flights on that right wing, so I am worried that this may be what is required I don't want him to hurt himself from being so off balance.



When my Rikki came to me clipped and I was allowing her to grow her feathers so she could free fly, it took several years as she kept breaking her flight feathers on one side as well. But eventually the others caught up enough to protect the flight feathers and all is well. I personally wouldnt put her thru anything unless medically necessary.

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I have a question. How do you tell which wing the feather came from? Most of Peanut's are found later - I don't see where they came from.

When you lay the feathers down with the inner side down left wing feathers curve like this ( and right wing feathers curve like this).

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When my Rikki came to me clipped and I was allowing her to grow her feathers so she could free fly, it took several years as she kept breaking her flight feathers on one side as well. But eventually the others caught up enough to protect the flight feathers and all is well. I personally wouldnt put her thru anything unless medically necessary.

It is more a safety issue here and yes I want Timmy to be able to fly and he is off balance. But he also I guess believes he can fly he will jump off about anything flap hard and fall like a rock. Thankfully he has not hurt himself any worse than a few bruises and broken flight feathers so far but I am so scared of whats going to happen next time I just want him to be able to fly well enough he stops crashing to the floor. IMPed feathers would give support to the new ones coming in.

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I have been wanting to help but unfortunately all the feathers we still have from Miss Gilbert are deformed or damaged. She has been flightless and we have gone through what you are dealing with as Timmy is dropping to the floor. We got a gel type kitchen mat to put in front of her cage which helped a lot to absorb impact. It is easy to clean and protects the floor too. Also we put a ladder from the floor to the cage so she could get back up on her own. We have been working toward flight for three years that she has been with us. I totally get what you want to do with Timmy and gave it some thought myself. What eventually came to the decision not to pursue it was she was barbering and had plucked in her past and would likely remove the new additions. You have vet support and a different individual case, I wish I could contribute.

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Yes it is a hard decision and it is not cheap but I am praying Timmy would leave these donor feathers alone as he has never plucked or barbered any feather yet. And even though he did grow his flights in on the left wing he has broken every one of the new ones coming in on the right wing. I have padded the bird room floor, but I guess one of my biggest fears other than him hurting himself with a fall is that he would break another blood feather when no one is at home and he would bleed out :(

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I have a fantastic vet, as well as trimmer. I hope you have these people as well. If you don't... you need too. No issues for a decade, but there were times they disagreed when she first came home. I ultimately sided with the trimmer, as he knew her best. I am happy I have the resourses I need to make Sophie well adjusted with a healthy and safe enviroment. Nancy

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We have a great vet, as for the trimming that was my fault for not asking or talking enough to the breeder. They butchered his wings clipping 10 flights on each wing and anyone that know Greys or birds for that matter would have never done such a drastic clip.

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It is more a safety issue here and yes I want Timmy to be able to fly and he is off balance. But he also I guess believes he can fly he will jump off about anything flap hard and fall like a rock. Thankfully he has not hurt himself any worse than a few bruises and broken flight feathers so far but I am so scared of whats going to happen next time I just want him to be able to fly well enough he stops crashing to the floor. IMPed feathers would give support to the new ones coming in.


My Rikki went thru the same thing, always trying to fly and crashing onto the floor, this breaking her newly growing flight feather. Yes, it is hard to watch, but I believe that nature is always the way to go....not medical procedures unless life threatening. Given the right amou t of time, all will be okay with patience. I finally, after crash after crash breaking my heart, would keep her in my sight as much as I could, if I saw her getting ready to fly, I would run to her and have her step up and be her wings for her until she had her own. I had to protect her newly growing feathers until they were ready. She is an incredible flyer now!

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When you lay the feathers down with the inner side down left wing feathers curve like this ( and right wing feathers curve like this).


I know I am tired when....

I read this the first time and was thinking that the pictures to show the feathers curving were missing, until I realized it was the " ( " and the " ) " ... lol. Okay... must go to bed now.

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Richard, I looked and only have a couple of lefts. Of all weird places, take a look on Etsy.com and see if there are any there. I've seen full sets of Grey feathers there before.


Inara's current (and many previous) cousins are falcons, and I'm up close and personally familiar with the positive side of imping. When feathers repeatedly get broken as they try to come in because there is nothing in place to support them, it can become a perpetual cycle. My brother (a master falconer) suggests that if you can, have your vet do the imping at the very end of the day so that Timmy can go into a restful state afterward and have all night to be calm with the new feathers.


Wishing you and Timmy a very positive outcome.

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