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Feathers Feathers everywhere!


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My poor Buddy is molting like crazy. At first it was little feathers and now it's his tail/wing feathers. The feathers are intact so I am sure he's not plucking. I saved his feathers and one day I will figure out what to do with them. He had me cracking up yesterday. I gave him a shower and when he was done he was wiggling his little tail like crazy. He looked SO cute! I Love the little stinker more and more every day.

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My poor Buddy is molting like crazy. At first it was little feathers and now it's his tail/wing feathers. The feathers are intact so I am sure he's not plucking. I saved his feathers and one day I will figure out what to do with them…………...


When you have enough you can make another Grey. ;)

I am still saving Misty's


Steve n Misty

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If you can rebuild a bird, I would like to put in a few requests! No chewing my kitchen cabinets, windowsills, eating my bills. Of course I save Sophie's feathers. She has her own scrapbook. It does amaze me how much dander and unwanted feathers she has! Nancy


Problem solved. My new design will have lips instead of a beak.;)


Steve n Misty

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