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Costco - 'Outdoor Aviary'


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There's been lots of chatter and pics of outdoor aviaries (jealous). We've been mulling over ideas for a few months. We've considered everything from custom made pergolas with wiring to custom builder options ($18K and it barely extended out from under our patio) to kits, garage/parking structures - you name it.


Today we were in Costco and they had this thing setup in the middle of the warehouse. My wife had to get me to look at it three times but I finally came around. My thoughts are: where else are you going to find this kind of solid steel construction for $240? I hate the canvas but I won't use it. Instead I'm thinking of strapping wire to it. We liked the idea so much we bought two. Now we're trying to figure out where to put it and whether to set them side-by-side or end-to-end. I like the side-by-side option as I can take the wire all the way across connecting the two top cross members. They'll have to navigate around the metal side members which will be inside of the aviary but I think that's a pretty small risk. The whole thing won't be a flight cage - just an outdoor place to hang.


What do you all think? They are 10ftx20ft. Not sure about the height but I can easily stand in them (6'2"). Costco has a great return policy so it's possible they'll go back but I couldn't resist the price considering the stuff we've looked at that all cost in the thousands and (ridiculous) tens of thousands.



The steel frame is very solid:




Good shot of the structure without the tarp:





I won't be using the canvas as seen here but gives a reference for the size:


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Looks great! We found a pretty good place to buy galvanized-after-welding wire, which is what we'd been told was best - next to stainless steel, which is very expensive. We went with GAW over SS because we knew the aviary we built (in TX) was temporary. I can get the information from my husband if you'd like.

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This could be the beginning of something pretty sweet! If you butt them end-to-end you get 40 ft of open flight path which sounds pret-ty sweet. But 20 ft square isn't too shabby either.


I was thinking the canvas might still be useful to canopy the roof against sun/heat/weather, too. A sail maker might customize it & incorporate light & vent screening if you were that motivated. Maybe something like a screen square over canvas flaps that tie/snap/adjust from the inside?


Wondering if you could use earth anchors? Maybe create a design that allows you to take the structure down for the winter, tornadoes or whatever. Maybe framed screen panels for the walls?

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Looks to me like it would work. Would you concrete the poles in I assume? Considering all the navigating they have to do to fly around inside a house, I wouldn't think the beams would be much of a risk either.


Right now I'm leaning towards setting a frame on pier blocks and securing the poles the wood somehow. It does not come with a bottom or bottom railing. Sinking the poles in concrete would loose too much height and I would actually gain some height by using a framing on top of pier blocks. Plus that keeps it somewhat non-permanent. I hate to lay concrete as it's always a beast to remove.


Looks great! We found a pretty good place to buy galvanized-after-welding wire, which is what we'd been told was best - next to stainless steel, which is very expensive. We went with GAW over SS because we knew the aviary we built (in TX) was temporary. I can get the information from my husband if you'd like.

Would love to know what your source was and any additional info you might have about this pet project :)


The canvas will come in handy to provide Sunshade and wind block when required. We wrap our cage roof and some West sides with Sunshade at the Sanctuary-after all it is Texas. Great find!

Where do you get your Sunshade? The canvas it comes with is ugly. Like I mentioned, my wife had to beg me three times to go look at it in Costco. I couldn't stand the look of it but I finally started realizing the framing was not such a bad deal. We do plan to put one end of the aviary near a tree that will provide some shade from 10-11am onward as it gets pretty hot here. Not sure what kind of heat they can acclimate to. Maybe even a fan and some misters.


This could be the beginning of something pretty sweet! If you butt them end-to-end you get 40 ft of open flight path which sounds pret-ty sweet. But 20 ft square isn't too shabby either.


I was thinking the canvas might still be useful to canopy the roof against sun/heat/weather, too. A sail maker might customize it & incorporate light & vent screening if you were that motivated. Maybe something like a screen square over canvas flaps that tie/snap/adjust from the inside?


Wondering if you could use earth anchors? Maybe create a design that allows you to take the structure down for the winter, tornadoes or whatever. Maybe framed screen panels for the walls?


We'll leave it up most likely. Without any siding or a roof, it would probably be the last thing standing in a tornado. I want to keep it as open as possible with some added shade in one area. The idea is to get them as much 'out[of]doors' as possible, at least as much as an aviary can provide.



Keep the comments and suggestions coming. Wifey is demanding I take a couple days off next week so we can get started on this. I think she has Greycie on her side too.

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P.S. I did have a question about members thoughts as to placing an aviary over soil. Several places I see where people discourage against it using the 'predator' and 'contaminants' justification. I'm not buying that as I see more of a threat as far as disease coming from local wild birds. There's really no way to stop their influence. Also mosquitos ability to spread West Nile is a bit of a worry. We do plan to plant some cintronella plants and marigolds outside of the structure to help with the bugs. We planted a cintronella plant in a corner of our house that was breeding mosquitos due to the constant moisture. The plants totally eradicated them. Hopefully the birds can be near them but they won't have access to them.



The only predators that worry me are the airborne variety. Anything gets on our two-acres that can't fly is usually torn to shreds in short order with our dogs. They also go after hawks and predatory birds but have never landed one as far as I can tell. They won't let one sit around and hunt though which is good as they constantly harass them till they fly off.

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Looks great! We found a pretty good place to buy galvanized-after-welding wire, which is what we'd been told was best - next to stainless steel, which is very expensive. We went with GAW over SS because we knew the aviary we built (in TX) was temporary. I can get the information from my husband if you'd like.



Yes, that is the wire I used. In fact I have 700 feet left over!

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I like what Matt Smith did at Project Perry. He has dirt floors, and puts wood bark mulch over that. He has worms (red wigglers) under the mulch and to clean the mulch he goes out and turns it over with a pitchfork and the worms have cleaned all the feces and dropped food, etc. That is how we are doing ours here. It also allows you to grow trees or plants and the birds actually enjoy digging in the soil. His have little cavities built, most of the ones digging appear to be pairs using them as 'nest' cavities, but he claims he's never seen an egg. I think I would put some horizontal wire around the perimeter to prevent 'digging out' or digging in by predators. We used very small wire on ours in Texas. I think it was 2 inch x 5/8 inch or something. This picture shows the scale of the wire against green-cheeked and sun conure: Foraging . This made it very hard for any rodents or the like to access the aviary. We were also under cover of a thick canopy of trees in the green belt, so it deterred aerial predators. Had we stayed in TX I would have covered our whole aviary with wire screen to keep out mosquitoes.


I will ask the hubby tomorrow about where he got the wire. I know it was not that expensive.

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I wish there was a way to get that here. I need to find a source quick as I'm taking time off this weekend to start the process. Probably won't get to the wire part for a few weeks.



Me too! What state are you located in?

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Sorry I have not gotten back sooner. We have had some personal issues involving my husband making a very unexpected and long trip. I have sent him an email asking him for the information and hopefully he will see it and respond.

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