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Having a problem editing my posts.


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Just tried to add a link to my "Heartbleed" thread. The edit box opened, but wouldn't save the changes. The thingy just spins.


I cancelled it & re-tried a few times. Then I cancelled & tried to go advanced ...nada. However, it did let me delete the post I was trying to edit w/o a problem.


I also tried to randomly edit a couple of my other posts & it was the same. :confused:


***5/07/14 I am attempting to add pics & edit this post using my Firefox browser.

:) lookin good!! :)***




Edited by birdhouse
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Then maybe I should mention


1) the tally programing isn't doing so hot, either.


When I couldn't edit my post, I replaced it & Timbersmom thanked me immediately. The "posts" & "thanked" counts added one each.


Then I deleted the original which also had a thanks. The the "posts" & "thanked" counts should have gone back down but didn't. But I just did it again w/this post & the post count did change. idk


2) banned member [Richardgen] is still apparently able to log in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Successfully edited my first post on this thread!!! But the pics are acting strangely. 2 pics were added/inserted from my computer. If I'm signed in they both show up in the post & are fine. If I'm not signed in, only the link for dog's jpg shows up & if I click on it it's rotated when it opens. When I inserted pics this way, they used to show up whether or not someone was signed in.


***Skip the part about only 1 link named. I didn't see that the links are run together & I happened to click on the dog's link. Tried attaching another pic & it's not flipping when it's opened. Guess it was something about the other one.

Edited by birdhouse
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Way back in 2013 I also complained about a feature that wasn't working!! BUT, I was told that it probably was only my problem. I tried again and again--different berowzers, different methods etc etc. SO I went to other boards, ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOARDS and I didn't have ANY problems with them.

THE PROBLEM WAS NEVER SOLVED HERE and it remains disfunctional to this very day and I gave up trying to get satisfaction. Right now, bold, underline, colorand my edit still doesn't work, not only here, but also on PM. Now I understand that many other people won't have this same problem at the same time as I do BUT I can see that people are having trouble at different times with different features. People are also periodically talking about these various problems from time to time in the chat room. Not everyone goes thru the problems at the exact time but different problems constantly pop up by this person or that person at different times etc etc.

SO, my suggestion is that you check ALL the basic features above so that a complete fix can be done for EVERYONE because obviously, something's wrong when features work and then don't work for some people, then get corrected only to have that problem pop up again with other people at other times.


As people here know, I quite need to use BOLD feature but I can't now and that problem has been going on for a while.. The REPLY WITH A QUOTE doesn't work now but it did 6 wks ago for 5 days and then it stopped functioning. It can't be my fault when a feature will work and then stops working, then starts working all over again.

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Way back in 2013 I also complained about a feature that wasn't working!! BUT, I was told that it probably was only my problem. I tried again and again--different berowzers, different methods etc etc. SO I went to other boards, ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOARDS and I didn't have ANY problems with them.

THE PROBLEM WAS NEVER SOLVED HERE and it remains disfunctional to this very day and I gave up trying to get satisfaction. Right now, bold, underline, colorand my edit still doesn't work, not only here, but also on PM. Now I understand that many other people won't have this same problem at the same time as I do BUT I can see that people are having trouble at different times with different features. People are also periodically talking about these various problems from time to time in the chat room. Not everyone goes thru the problems at the exact time but different problems constantly pop up by this person or that person at different times etc etc.

SO, my suggestion is that you check ALL the basic features above so that a complete fix can be done for EVERYONE because obviously, something's wrong when features work and then don't work for some people, then get corrected only to have that problem pop up again with other people at other times.


As people here know, I quite need to use BOLD feature but I can't now and that problem has been going on for a while.. The REPLY WITH A QUOTE doesn't work now but it did 6 wks ago for 5 days and then it stopped functioning. It can't be my fault when a feature will work and then stops working, then starts working all over again.



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Way back in 2013 I also complained about a feature that wasn't working!! BUT, I was told that it probably was only my problem. I tried again and again--different berowzers, different methods etc etc. SO I went to other boards, ALL DIFFERENT TYPES OF BOARDS and I didn't have ANY problems with them.

THE PROBLEM WAS NEVER SOLVED HERE and it remains disfunctional to this very day and I gave up trying to get satisfaction. Right now, bold, underline, colorand my edit still doesn't work, not only here, but also on PM. Now I understand that many other people won't have this same problem at the same time as I do BUT I can see that people are having trouble at different times with different features. People are also periodically talking about these various problems from time to time in the chat room. Not everyone goes thru the problems at the exact time but different problems constantly pop up by this person or that person at different times etc etc.

SO, my suggestion is that you check ALL the basic features above so that a complete fix can be done for EVERYONE because obviously, something's wrong when features work and then don't work for some people, then get corrected only to have that problem pop up again with other people at other times.


As people here know, I quite need to use BOLD feature but I can't now and that problem has been going on for a while.. The REPLY WITH A QUOTE doesn't work now but it did 6 wks ago for 5 days and then it stopped functioning. It can't be my fault when a feature will work and then stops working, then starts working all over again.



I was not aware that you still had problems as they seem to be working whenever we test it...

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