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Judy Reaches 5,000!!!!


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Tracy, thanks for the nice words you had to say about me, did I pay you enough for them:whistle: , I value your friendship very much.


You and I hit it off right from the start and we have been friends and even confidants ever since and I know that I can come to you for advice and assistance any time I need to.


I look forward to sharing many years of exchanging posts, pms and laughs with you, for you can make me laugh with one of your witty comments. Keep up the good work Tracy.


Love you


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Thank you Dave for the wonderful post congratulating me on making 5000 posts, you have been a wonderful friend to me and I thank your wife for being so understanding of our relationship.:kiss:


Not all of my dreams have come true, but I am working on it, it takes time for the dreams I have but I have lots of patience and time will tell if I succeed.


Dave you are such a special friend, you have a knack for knowing when to jump in on the IM for a comment and you have had some uplifting words for me from time to time that have helped me immensely, more that you can know.


Thanks for being there when I needed you and I hope we have many years together here to do our stuff we do best, make a wisecrack and have fun.


Love you,


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Thanks Beccy and Toni, you both have been good friends to me here and I value your friendships very much. Both of you make me laugh so hard sometimes I cry but they are tears of joy so don't ever stop.


This is one great forum and I am proud to have so many friends here and the two of you are no exception, I look forward to sharing many years posting and laughing at each other's antics and comments.


Both of you ROCK and I love you for it.


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Kristin, thanks for the kind words, but you don't have to butter me up, I love you regardless of what you think of me. That makes me happy that you look up to me but I am far from someone you should emulate.


Even though we have a big age difference, I feel we share a lot of the same values and opinions and I have certainly enjoyed our many conversations on the IM and I hope we continue to enjoy each other's company for many years to come.


You are such a bright young woman with good common sense, something that is lacking in a lot of young people nowadays, and I wish only the best for you in the future.


I only wish I could be there when you and Andrew tie the knot but know I will be there in spirit and I wish you all the happiness you deserve.


I love you, girl


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Thanks Mark for the kind words and we do have fun here don't we, especially at the name on top game, you and I are back and forth on that one.


You have been a good friend to me here and I value your friendship more than you know, especially the fact that you are a man, nothing against my women friends but men friends are something else.


I look forward to many years of sharing posts, comments and laughs with you and you have certainly brought many a smile to my face, and I love ya for it.



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Thank you Dan for the congrats on making 5000 posts and what an example I am with my big mouth and bullcrap I shovel around here all the time, but thanks for the confidence in me.


I'm glad I can bring a little smile to your face and make things here more bearable for you, I try my best to make it fun for whoever thinks its funny and for those who don't think I am funny, well that is their problem now isn't it:laugh:


Don't you ever change, Dan, I love you just the way you are, straightforward and honest and I am glad to call you my good friend.



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Thanks FairY, for the congrats on my making 5000 posts, and how did you know I love disco music for I do, it is my favorite.


I love making posts, I may not know much about what I am talking about, but I like to make friends and have some fun so the next 5000 might not be too far in the future, so watch out.


Love ya


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Valerie, thanks for the kind words about me, I try to give the best advice I know, and that is not much sometimes, but if I get an A for effort, then I will take it.


I'm glad you enjoy reading my posts and I value your friendship, it means so much to me even in the short time you have been a member here, I feel like I have known you for a long time.


You are a wonderful caring woman and your Dad is very proud of you as am I and I look forward to sharing many laughs and posts with you in the coming years, you go girl.


Love ya,


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And not to leave anyone out:


Laurie, thanks,it is my pleasure having you here as well.:)


Jessica, thanks for the offer to do a backflip, but I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself for me.:ohmy:


Zeta, thanks, and if you want to be like me you had best get busy and post, you have a long way to go.:laugh:


Tari, thanks for the nice thoughts.:)


BMustee, thanks, yes that is a lot of posting but no I won't get to 10000 by the end of the year, remember it took me 6 months to make 5000.:S


Debbie and Pamela, thanks for the congratulations, I appreciate that.:P


Heather, thanks girl, but I do talk a lot, you can't make 5000 posts in 6 months by keeping your mouth shut.:whistle:


Connie, thanks and I loved the woohoo banner with the little guys doing the wave.:laugh:


Susie and Sara, thanks for thinking of me.:)


Love all of you

Judy<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2007/11/05 03:24

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Oh I almost forgot the most important one of all, thanks Melissa for the excellent work on the banner, you are such a talented young woman, and I have told you that before, but it bears repeating because you deserve it. I know you worked hard and long on these banners you make and I want you to know that you are appreciated very much here. You are going to go far with the talents you have and I am very proud of you.


Love ya,


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Judy. By now it's pretty obvious.. You are the posting champ of all time here at GreyForums.net. In fact, I would venture to say that you were the quickest to 5500 posts of ANYONE on the entire internet. I don't know this for sure but I would think you have most beat in this department.


Judy, since the beginning, way back when I first met you . You remember that place long ago.. that ghost town once called a Grey Forum ;) I realized that you were someone I could call my friend. You were always there with encouraging words and thoughts. You always looked after me as friends do. I will never forget that time we spent there..


I moved into a nice new forum. As a friend, you followed and hence started on the the most impressive collection of posts I have ever seen. At first I thought I could keep up with your post count. I was wrong. Soon the difference between you post count and mine was like the difference between night and day. You simply blew me again. :):P


The best part of your post count is the impact it has on other members here in Grey Land. Certain one could judge your impact just by reading your guestbook.. So lets once again visit your guest book and take a look back in time as others signed away under your profile.



A wonderful, generous, thoughtful lady to all. A very special friend to me. She has a wealth of information and advice. Always a positive influence in a warm, caring way. Great sense of humor



Wow I think everyone has said it all!!! You seem to know your birds and love the sense of humor back at ya! You have to have a sense of humor in this world or you'll go crazy! But I guess as long as us crazies stick together we'll be happy lol. Your a great friend to have, hope we will be for many more years to come



You're sweet too. I like the fact that you appreciate humor in our very depressed world. Another thing, would you be my girlfriend? My wife gave me the OK



Judy is such a great person to talk to, she has the greatest sense of humor! She says it like it is and is always to the point. Her kind words an infinite wisdom make her a wonderful asset to this forum!



Judy is the BEST. Hands down. She is the leading poster. She is there for everyone. She calls it like it is. Often funny, sometimes blunt, always honest. Judy is knowledgeable, willing to share and willing to learn. We are a better place because of her!



You say it like it is. Thats great. Keep them words comming.

You have a good heart.



Judy is a very caring person. If someone is down she will be the one w/ encouraging words. YOU ROCK !!



A Lady that is full of warmth & humour. Judy you bring a wealth of knowledge & advice to this forum,A great asset to us all.Someone who is always there & cares.Thank you



You're so sweet to everyone. You're funny and I love to read your posts. Thank you for always helping!!



A wealth of info.. And clearly an asset to this Family of bird lovers.....




I love reading your posts, they are always well-informed, diplomatic AND amusing; how do you do it???



As personal friend I can tell you this lady is a class act if there ever was one.. You will rarely see Judy in any forum disputes. She is a wealth of info on our favorite subject. Greys. Judy is also the forum leader for posts.. and it looks like that is gonna be something she has for quite sometime.. You Go Girl One of a team of important Moderators to this wonderful site


Well Judy, thats some report card if you ask me. I'm happy you call me a friend and as such I'll do what ever I can to make your stay here in Grey Land a happy and fun time. As so many have already said. "I love you" Judy


Keep the posts coming Judy but more importantly then a post count, don't ever change. WE ALL LOVE YOU JUST THE WAY YOU ARE.


CD<br><br>Post edited by: CeasarsDad, at: 2007/11/25 08:34

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