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A Voice in the Night


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When our dog awakened me to go our for the third time before 4:30 am, I was disgruntled to say the least. As we came back in the door I heard a little voice say "Hey Boo Boo" just the way Yogi Bear may have said it. How could I grumble about waking up to that? It must be another blast from her past. There are many positive and delightful aspects to a parrot with a checkered past.

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I agree, There are things that come up that you never expected that will give you a glimpse into their past.

Some times it tells you that their past was not all bad. they dig back into their mind to remember some good things because it gives them hope and with hope things can change.

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I don't have a re-homed grey, but Gracie has surprised me with things she experienced before she started using words. Gracie met my parents' Labrador Retriever Bailey during her first 9 months with me. Bailey went to the Rainbow Bridge mid-summer before Gracie was talking. Several months later, Gracie looked at me and said, "Where's Bailey?" Just the other day, Gracie and I were at the park and a Lab walked by. Again, she said, "Where's Bailey?" They don't forget a thing.

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Inara, that is so funny. We have been doing the Yogi impressions for her and today at the bird fair, I got her a little picnic basket and gave her some hemp seed for the first time. I'm turning up the charm factor to use any window of opportunity to get on her good side.

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