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Better than I imagined


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This morning, I got a call from the avian vet who saw Peck. She was calling to tell me the extra blood work she had done had come back and it was all perfectly normal. She said that she could be reasonably certain he was not carrying anything he might transmit to the other birds.


So this afternoon, during his turn in the playroom (which has turned into a REALLY long one), I took Megan in there. They've been eyeing each other since he got here. At first they were a little hesitant, but I lured them close with pine nuts. He let her get all over his cage, steal his food, and play with his toys. He's setting atop his cage preening right now while she is going all over the room, acting like the hyperactive three year old she is. The ONLY problem we have had is her sudden fascination with the (too small) pieces of plexiglas that protect this ceiling. So far a "Do you want a time out?" has put a stop to that until I turn my back on her again.


They are both very relaxed and I am not getting any vibes of aggression or even fear from either of them. She is talking her head off and he's making pretty wild Grey noises. I love it. The play room sounds like an echo of Africa right now.


I have not seen Megan this active since Marden got sick. It's kind of a bittersweet thing for me seeing two of them in the playroom and knowing that she isn't with Mar, but I know it is what she needs. And Peck has spent the majority of his life isolated from other birds. I think this is good for him, as well.









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Great news on Peck's health update. Those pictures of Megan and Peck are heartwarming. It's special to have them get along so well on the initial close encounter. They both look so relaxed and busy doing their own thing without much concern what the other is doing. Great job on introducing them.

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Here's some video. It takes forever for these to upload, but I will try to upload more later. You can see how laid back he is. He did fly a little to get around. He was ALL over that play room. On the cargo net, on the stands, even on the plant stand while I took his cage out for a much needed cleaning (this is the first time I have been able to steam clean the cage because I could not separate him from it).


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Wow! What a set up you have at your house. Parrot Heaven! Your birds look very content. Congratulations! My Amazon and Grey visit each other's cages, but if one of them doesn't like it then the other moves off pretty quickly with no battles or blood shed. Pancho, the Amazon, sometimes eats in Brutus' cage. I bet your Greys will be very happy together.

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