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Nearly 2 years later...

Chris and Matt

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I know no one would remember us, but man am I glad to be back! We moved out of the country about a year and a half ago and couldn't take our baby with us. Maggie Mae is about 4 years old now and is currently living with a woman in San Diego. She was recommended to us as a "bird lady" who takes in birds from deceased and otherwise put out friends. I can't even begin to describe how much I've missed our girl, especially with how much she would have loved it here. After nearly 2 years we're headed back to the states and we'll finally get to pick her up and bring her home. My fingers are crossed, so very crossed, that she'll remember us and she'll be OK with our return. She's gotten close to another grey in her current home but her living conditions aren't anywhere near what she had at home with us. At least, that's what I like to tell myself.


We'll get to visit our girl next month when we're in San Diego and I think we'll get to bring her home in June or July. If I were to say I can't wait, that would be an understatement. I just had to share with everyone, since I figured at least someone here would be able to share in my excitement.

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Welcome home! I had to go back to refresh my memory but I do remember you. It's going to be a study in the life of a grey to see how she accepts and integrates back into your family. Having lived with a rehomed grey, if you don't set big expectations and give her time to adjust, the sky's the limit. I believe she will remember you. I am looking for this to be a welcome reunion. In our life with Miss Gilbert, she has come a long way. She still calls out for her first beloved "Jim". As much as I love her and enjoy her every day a tiny part of my heart wishes Jim could find his way to her. If she recognized him and loved him, I know I would be at peace to do what's best for her. All my thoughts and blessings are with you and her current caregiver to make this a positive experience for all.

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It had to be really hard for you to find a long-term nanny for Maggie. I imagine you had lots of mixed emotions about having to leave her. Many people would have simply placed the, "we are having to go overseas and need to sell/rehome our bird," advertisement, and she would have lost you forever. Certainly she will remember you and since the three of you "left home" at about the time where she might normally do that in the wild, it will be interesting to see how she views you now, and you her. Has the 'bird lady,' kept you updated frequently? Is it possible for you to Skype with Maggie a few times before you see her, as well as after your initial visit? That might help re-establish some connections prior, and then interim until July. Wishing you all the best possible outcome. :)

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Thanks everyone! We're doing our best to keep realistic expectations. We'll definitely be taking things slow and doing our best to help her readjust. It was incredibly difficult to leave her behind and we knew there was no way we could make that a forever decision. We did wonder if that was a selfish decision on our part but I would like to think that it wasn't.


Her caretaker for the last year and a half has pretty limited technological knowledge. We did get pictures once. I was concerned that she had a spot on her belly that she had been picking at but the spot never got bad. It just nice just to see pictures of our girl though. I've spent far too much time over the last year and a half looking at old pictures and videos I still have of her. I can't wait to have new memories, pictures, and videos to add! Our bird nanny has expressed repeatedly that she'll miss Maggie. I feel a bit guilty taking her away but the selfish feelings take over ;)


Maggie will love our new place in Tucson. We'll have to get an extra cage for outdoors on the patio when it's cool enough. She used to love to sit on our patio in San Diego but from what I've read there are lots of prey birds around Tucson and we wouldn't want to risk it!

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I truly believe that you will do what is right for Maggie Mae. If she has bonded to her new friend, I believe you will leave her and move on. We all love our parrots and want to do what is right for them. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Fingers crossed Maggie Mae will come out a winner.

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This is a tough one for Maggie Mae. I'm sure she really loves her caregiver, I'm hoping she remembers you. Sophie only sees Ryan once a year, but they skype often. Once he pulls in the driveway, I yell " ryan is home!" She runs! ( literally). He can't get in the door without her being all over him.We are put on the back burner, and thats okay with me! I LOVE seeing her so excited! If your bird doesn't remember you, don't despair. It is important to maintain the relationship with the caregiver, and you get added to the mix. Remember, its always about the bird. Nancy

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Oh I somehow doubt you will have to leave her behind. I think there is a very strong possibility she will remember you. Just be prepared that she also may be angry with you. This most likely will only last a short time once she is home with you. Maybe I am selfish too, but I think you did the right thing by her.

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"My Grey that I lost to a divorce…" Did you get your grey back SterlingSL?


Not yet. She 'Odie' ended up with my aunt when my ex-wife hit hard times and couldn't keep her any longer. I've passed word on to my aunt that when she can no longer care for Odie I'd like to make sure she gets a good home with us. It's a bonus knowing she remembers who I am.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all! We got to see Maggie today!! She definitely recognized us from the start. As soon as we walked up to her cage she came running to the front and was excited. She let us both hold her and I even got some snuggles in. Eventually, she gave me a few GOOD bites and I let her retreat to her cage. She kept lunging towards my husband and he got close enough to get a few good bites. She was obviously a little overwhelmed with the whole situation and we kept our distance for a while and let her sit on her door and out of beak's reach. She didn't say a whole lot while we were there but she made a few familiar whistles and noises. She does have a patch on her belly that spreads under her right wing where she's been plucking but I'm hoping with some baths, humidity and some aloe juice we can get that healed up. Does anyone else have suggestions?


I really can't wait to bring her home now. I think we'll hold off until July when we can get out there with our truck to get her with her cage and everything that comes with her. That seems so far away!

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Oh how nice that you have had this long anticipated reunion. I'm glad it went well and you are making plans to be together. If we count in weeks, July doesn't seem that far away, but in anticipation it seems like forever from today. Since you are busy getting settled, it will pass quickly.

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