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Free Flighted Birds!


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Without getting it to a debate, I just wanted to share my morning experience this morning. Put quite simply, this is the reason I believe so strongly in allowing my birds free flight in my house.


I was sitting on the couch, catching up on my iPad and having my coffee. Now first off, the pecking order in my house is Rikki, Nilah, then Talon. They live together, and tolerate each others existence, and that's it. As I was relaxing, Talon and Nilah were playing the only game they ever play together, Chase Me If You Can! They race each other from my living room thru into the bird room to see who gets to the top of the curtain rod first, then back again. This went on for about 15 minutes or so. It is so enjoyable to see them race thru the house having such fun . It's the only time they seem to enjoy each other.


Just wanted to shared warm moment for me. :cool:

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Sounds like fun. I too love to hear and watch my birdies fly. They do not play together but they do have their pecking order. Ana Grey first, Sterling Gris and then Louie. To me, the sound of flying birds is priceless.

Edited by luvparrots
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Without getting it to a debate, I just wanted to share my morning experience this morning. Put quite simply, this is the reason I believe so strongly in allowing my birds free flight in my house.


I was sitting on the couch, catching up on my iPad and having my coffee. Now first off, the pecking order in my house is Rikki, Nilah, then Talon. They live together, and tolerate each others existence, and that's it. As I was relaxing, Talon and Nilah were playing the only game they ever play together, Chase Me If You Can! They race each other from my living room thru into the bird room to see who gets to the top of the curtain rod first, then back again. This went on for about 15 minutes or so. It is so enjoyable to see them race thru the house having such fun . It's the only time they seem to enjoy each other.


Just wanted to shared warm moment for me. :cool:



There's nothing you said that's debatable.

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I have dreamed, wished and prayed to hear the sound of flapping wings. When I was nearly convinced it was not meant to be, it is getting more obvious that Miss Gilbert may regain her gift of flight. She has endured nearly a decade of flightlessness. The value of a short, hard won flight across the living room is priceless. Your shared warm moment is uplifting and priceless as well. Love that your birds can go outside to their new playroom too!

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Brutus and Jimpster compete on who can fly faster when I call them. Sometimes Brutus adds in flight difficulties and he feels he deserves extra points for doing a tricky move. I always recognize their expertise in the air. They are always so proud of themselves! It sure is fun to watch them fly.

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I think it is wonderful having birds flying around! In our house it is just Gabby and Bongo and the two U2's flying with the macaws watching and wishing they could join! Cotay isn't ready to fly but i am sure when she is, she will be into everything!

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Good one Ray! Wish we could let all ours out together, Fred and Pookie are no problem. Whisper and Smartee Pants are too aggressive attacking other birds. Smokey Joe always ends up stomping around on the floor with the dogs -he is turning me grey too. Harry Too gets into too much trouble with out constant supervision- trys to eat the woodwork flies like a Tai fighter so no way to keep him from trying to eat other birds or furniture or my husband.

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Oh Greywings, it isn't always bliss in my house with 3 flighted birds. There are times they are chasing each other off of things, and fighting over a chosen spot above the kitchen cabinets. But I do cherish the "fun" moments we have. As for keeping them from chewing the woodwork....after a year or so, I had to give up...my windows, doors and door frames are all chewed. There is NO way to keep them from chewing, it is a natural instinct...my amazon is the worst...she is chewing her new bird room to pieces!!

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I certainly do not envy those whose parrots are chewers or fighters. Mine get along just great and are not chewers so I consider myself blessed. Mine believe that Ana Grey is the boss so if she flies to a room, eats something, goes into her cage then so will they. Louie just has to be last. The guard of the flock.

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My birds have also destroyed the window sills. I'm hiring a handyman this summer to replace them. On my " to do list!" Our homes wont get nominated for " better Home and Gardens", who cares? We get to enter a world of amazing beings that probably 90% of humans have no idea that exists. Their loss. Nancy


Emphasis mine - yeah, that! Amen!

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I agree. My life practically revolves around these feathered brats and I love it. I've had both types of brats: human and psittacine, I much prefer the latter. Now if we lived in the age of little house on the prairie where families stuck together and there wasn't so much external influence taking charge, it would be a different story.

Edited by SterlingSL
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