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Peck 1, Finger 0


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So I can't really post this in the "Bite Me Club" because I don't think it qualifies as a bite. I am beginning to suspect that this is a game for Peck, more than anything.


Today was gorgeous and I'd made a huge corned beef roast in the crock pot. We decided to eat our supper outside and enjoy the weather, and I wheeled Peck's cage out onto the deck so he could enjoy it too.


A little hummingbird buzzed us, looking for something to eat. He went over to a red feeder, only to find it was a seed feeder. I ran in the house and got the hummingbird feeder and hung it in the tree. About this time, Raven decides it would be fun to chase the mockingbird who is sitting on the fence. Her barking scatters all the birds and I wanted the little hummer to come back and eat before it got too late so I was telling Raven she had to go in the house. At the same time I was disciplining Raven, I was wheeling Peck's cage back inside.


Peck immediately picked up on the fact that I was distracted. I somehow let a finger slip through the bars. He stealthily moved from the other end of the cage and suddenly he lunged.


He did not bite. He just 'tapped' the finger. Not hard - it didn't hurt at all. Afterwards, he goes to his perch and I swear his expression was smug.


I had to laugh. He is so adorable!

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Now you know your 'Peck'ing order!


hahaha! Peck is such a gentleman -- a well placed beak thump instead of a bite. Perhaps he was living up to his name (Greygory) Peck and was suggesting that you Kill A Mockingbird :D :D Cheesy puns, I know, but SterlingSL started it! :P

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You were very lucky that Peck just warned you. I sometimes forget to check on Dayo's position while rolling his cage outside and suddenly feel as if a finger is being severed. I hate it when I do that. It's my fault not his, but damn, ya know? :P

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You were very lucky that Peck just warned you. I sometimes forget to check on Dayo's position while rolling his cage outside and suddenly feel as if a finger is being severed. I hate it when I do that. It's my fault not his, but damn, ya know? :P


Ouch! I have NO doubt if that had been Megan, I'd be looking for the benzalkonium chloride and some steri-strips. I suspect he's more of a bluffer unless an issue is forced.


Dayo sounds like he's a very strong-willed boy!

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hahaha! Peck is such a gentleman -- a well placed beak thump instead of a bite. Perhaps he was living up to his name (Greygory) Peck and was suggesting that you Kill A Mockingbird :D :D Cheesy puns, I know, but SterlingSL started it! :P


Funny you should mention, but I kept calling him Mister Peck at the vet, and the vet laughed and said "Mr. Peck sounds sounds so dignified, like someone talking to Gregory."


We have several mockingbirds here, and I did threaten one last night. Not with death, but with eviction if he (she?) gets in that bluebird house I just put up. They were just fascinated with it. I hope they don't drive the bluebirds off. :(

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I am so impressed with Mr. Peck's restraint. "Pecking order" "Greygory Peck"... made me laugh right out loud. And not to forget the humor of Dan getting the occasional fierce neck pinch from Dayo for some infraction of breaking Dayo's "house code". I'm so glad Mr. Peck was giving you a warning, he is a gentleman after all.

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He just thought he would get in a good "peck" at you, warning and not a bite. Josey is not a biter, she will push or grab but not really bear down but I respect her beak.

I love hearing the mockingbirds for you hear lots of other bird sounds in their calls, like listening to lots of different birds.

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So, tonight, we went for dinner at a place that had BLUEBERRY COBBLER beer. Not normally one to indulge (at my age), I had a few. When I came home, Megan wanted out right away, then got very sweet with me, perching in my lap and wanting scritches and even GOING TO SLEEP ON ME!!! (This is something that has *never* happened before). So I go in to give Peck some love before I go to bed, and he is all sweet and bowing his head. Maybe it was the beers - you know the "liquid bravery" thing? I reached in and gave him a very thorough head scritching. I kept waiting for him to snap that neck back and grab my finger. It never happened. He had a few pine nuts and took them like he was taking communion. Gently and delicately. When I finally went to top off his bowls before going to bed, he came over to the side and did his striking at the bars. "It's not nice to bite, Peck," I told him. So I held my wrist (bent) towards him, knowing he couldn't get purchase to bite the skin. He very slowly and gently reached through the bars to get my sweatshirt, and chewed it. But even that was gentle. He did not make one hole in it. Then he lowered his head, and I gave him even more scritches. At that point, he pushed back against my hand, and the tears began to flow. It was so nice feeling that affection flowing back at me. It's something I have really missed these past few months. "I love you, Peck," I told him as I got ready to head to bed. He looked up at me and made a soft cooing sound. It reminded me so much of Mar and our bedtime ritual and I cried even harder. Poor Peck. He must think something is really wrong with me. But our relationship is continuing to grow and blossom. I am just so in love with this little guy!

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Muse, I now have tears in my coffee! What a lovely evening you had. Megan being such a little love bug, and then Mr. Peck showing you some major love. You have indeed fallen hard for your courtly gentleman. Am so happy for all !!

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