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Neat article at BBC - Mongolian eagle huntress


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Imagine a fifteen pound eagle with a seven foot plus wingspan. That is impressive. I also like that they pay tribute to the eagle's beginnings and service by training them to hunt and returning them to the wild. Great article, thanks for posting it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for posting this. Incredible photos! Wish I could borrow one, too, Janet!


"The eagles are not bred in captivity, but taken from nests at a young age... After years of service, on a spring morning, a hunter releases his mature eagle a final time, leaving a butchered sheep on the mountain as a farewell present. "That's how the Kazakh eagle hunters make sure that the eagles go back to nature and have their own strong newborns, for the sake of future generations," Svidensky says."




Yes SterlingSL, the level of respect for what's been borrowed & returning it w/o interfering w/the natural order is very admirable. Wish more cultures had these types of ideals.



If anyone wants another type of eagle fix they can check into this live stream of a nest of Decorah eagles.


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