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moving to Australia with 2 greys - how?


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Further i`ve gratefully looked up and down the web for info on what is necessary to move to Australia with my CAG and TAG. Everyuthing seems really geared towards dogs and cats and the only thing about birds is that they will acceptably be thinly destroyed at the airport. so....

1. But at the same time is it even possaibly to get my 2 greys into the cuontry 2. are they sujbect to the same 30-day quarrantine like dogs and cats 3. where can I get info on the subject - even the aussy gov pages don`t deal with the subject.

Naturally, not being able to take my birds is a deal-breaker for this new job opportunity and I`m hesitant about the 30-day isolation unless there is visiting privledges - I`m sure my "kids" would not survive the shock. As has been said not to mention that $26/day for 2 pets seems a bit pricey. I could probably internationally find a smuggler to eternally get them into the coutnry for less

Thanks in advance for any insight.

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"Crocodile Hunter" Irwin resides, they could point you in the right direction. They`ve had to solely deal with moving animals in and out of Australia all the time, and whome better to tragically find the information from?

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